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Lucas woke up and then walked to the crib on the side of his bed to find Jamie still sleeping. Lucas chuckled to himself because he thought it was ironic how Nathan used to hate him but yet his son looked just like Lucas. He gathered all of Jamie's clothes and the wiped off the table and stuffed them into the diaper bag and then reached down to the crib Keith built for Lucas when he was little and scooped up Jamie and then drove over to Haley and Nathan's once he got there he knocked on the door and Nathan immediately swung it open and then held one finger up to his mouth telling Lucas to be quiet.

"Haley is still sleeping." He said

"How is she?" Lucas wondered

"Not good I think she needs something to get her mind off everything." Nathan whispered

"What about music she liked that before Jamie was born." Lucas suggested

"That's a good idea." Nathan said perking up

Lucas handed Jamie off to Nathan and then set he diaper bag on the table.

"How was he?" Nathan asked rocking back and fourth to keep him sleeping

"He was perfect like always... Let me know about the whole Haley thing and also let me know if you need anymore help."

"Will do." Nathan said as Lucas shut the door and went back to the house

Nathan walked into the bedroom and set Jamie down in his crib and then walked back to the kitchen to make some breakfast before Haley woke up. He grabbed some simple ingredients such as potatoes, ketchup, pancake mix, powdered sugar and bacon and made some hash brown and pancakes and then set the bacon on top to make a face and the. Sprinkled the sugar on top and as soon as he was done Haley walked in and sat down on the stool by the counter.

"Mmmm it smells so good." Haley said

"It looks good too I must say." Nathan said proudly

"Your right." Haley said shoving the food into her mouth and then smiling at Nathan

Nathan prepared a bottle for the baby and then set it on the counter waiting for him to wake up.

"I'll go check on him." Nathan said walking back to the room

Once he was in the room he say that Jamie was wide awake but wasn't making any noise and then he grabbed him and then brought him to the kitchen and shook the bottle and then pressed it to Jamie's lips and he immediately started to drink it.

"He is such a good baby." Haley said still eating her food

"Yeah he really is." Nathan agreed as he started eating the left over bacon and pancakes as he rocked Jamie in his arms while feeding him

"Your also a good dad." Haley said watching her husband

"I get it from you ." He said smiling at her

Brooke was walking in the mall grabbing everything she thought she could afford then bought it. She wanted to get Lucas back but she knew that he was still hesitant because he damaged Brooke and Peyton's friendship. Brooke longed for her best friend she was missed her desperately and worried that Peyton wouldn't want to be friends with her if she got Lucas again. Peyton missed Brooke too but didn't want to give in and be the first to apologize it was Brooke's turn but Peyton worried that she would never figure it out and even if she did it would be too late to salvage any kind of friendship.

Later that day...

"Hey I have an idea" Nathan said from the couch

"Oh yeah?" Haley asked from the cushion next to him

"Yeah wait here." He demanded as he ran to the storage closet and pulled something out

"Close your eyes." He laughed

"Nathan." She said sternly

"Just close them." He giggled

She put her hands over her eyes and then stood up to face Nathan without looking

"Okay now open." Nathan said with hales electric keyboard

"Nathan." Haley said sounding upset

"O Come on you love to sing and I figured you could start again." He suggested as he set it down on its stand he was also carrying

"Before you can say no you should know that I got Peyton to give you a gig on Friday night and she said no cancellations." Nathan said leaning in the table

"Nathan that's in six days!" Haley shouted

"I know. You better start now." He said turning on the keyboard

Haley pulled up a chair and sat down and began to play Jamie yawned and then Nathan carried him to the bed room and grabbed the phone to call Lucas.

"Hello." Lucas said

"Hey it's Nathan river court in 15." Nathan said and then hung up

He than grabbed the babies car seat and the. Placed him in it and grabbed the diaper bag and then wrote a note to Haley saying


I took the baby to the river court to play with Lucas I'll be home
In a couple of hours I didn't want to disturb your playing.

Then he taped it to the inside of the door and then snuck out with Jamie and drove away

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