I do

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It has been about three days since Nathan asked Haley to marry him Haley knew she desperately wanted to but her parents might say no. Nathan was suppose to come over any minute to try and convince them to say yes. Sudden there was a knock at the door and Haley sprung from the couch and opened the door.

"Hi." She said walking on the porch and closing the door behind her

"Hi." He said back to her

She stood on her tiptoes and he looked down at her and she smiled.

"I want you to know if my parents say yes I will marry you, and even if they say no we will just wait."

He closed the gap between them and kissed her luscious lips hard and full of passion.

"Well you could of done this in private." A different voice said from behind them

"Mom." Haley said pulling away from Nathan with embarrassment

"Mrs. James." Nathan said politely

"Nathan it's nice to see you. Why don't you kids come inside and I'll make you lunch." She said setting her gardening tools down and taking off her gloves

"Actually mom Nathan and I need to talk to you and dad." Haley said following her mom into the house with a silent Nathan behind her.

"Oh no Haley... Your not... Pregnant?" Her mom asked

"NO!" Haley said shocked

"Okay..." She said opening the window to the backyard

"Jimmy...kitchen... Haley's pregnant!" Her mom yelled

After a couple minuets of silence jimmy finally came into the kitchen and stood behind the counter with his wife looking at the two guilty teenagers.

"Lydia, what's this I hear about Haley benign pregnant." Jimmy said

" I'm not daddy there is just something I have to ask you." Haley said trying to act cute

"Daddy this is going to be expensive." Jimmy joked

"Spit it out." Lydia said motioning for Haley to keep talking

"Nathan and I....you see we want to..."

"I want to marry your daughter." Nathan said helping Haley

Both of her parents began to laugh and than they became serious again very fast.

"Are you sure Haley bop?" Lydia asked

"Yes I'm sure." Haley said standing up from her stool

"Okay..." Jimmy said looking at Lydia

"Yes!" Lysis said running up to the two of them and hugging them.

"Yes?" Haley said shocked

"Your wise and certainly old enough to make your own decisions." Lydia explained

"We trust you." Jimmy added

"As long as there is no grandkids for a while. " jimmy said pointing at Nathan sternly

"There will not be. Not for a long time." Nathan said with a straight face

"Good now let's get planning!" Lydia said clapping her hands with excitement

It was about two days later and the young couple was moving Haley's things from her house to Nathan's apartment.

"Nathan can you grab the last box while I just make sure I grabbed everything." Haley asked

"Yeah." He said while lifting up the heavy box with all of her CDs in it

Haley looked around the room and realized that she had everything packed and in the car. She began to feel a sudden emptiness with in her and her heart sank. She would never live here again, it was time to start her adult life as a teenager. Than she was overwhelmed with a rush of emotions and she began to sob to herself.

"Why are you crying. This is a happy time?" Lydia asked rushing to her daughters side

"It's just hard. I'm never going to live with you guys again. I'm only a teenager how can I be ready for all of this?" Haley asked

"Oh honey. You have always been ready. Sure you might be leaving a little earlier than expected but it all would of led you to the same path." Her mom said stroking her hair

"Now how about we go and unpack." Lydia said walking out the door again

2 hours later...

Most of Haley's things were unpacked in the apartment, but a few spare boxes were still in the livid room. Both Haley and Nathan were sitting in the couch watching tv together. She was snuggled up in his arms while he was leaning his head on hers.

"Where are we going to sleep?" Haley asked

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked startled

"I mean we aren't married yet and I don't want to jinx anything so how about we sleep  in separate places for tonight?" Haley asked

"I mean I guess." Nathan said disappointed

"We were just going to sleep anyway."

"I know that I just like the idea of waking up to you." Nathan argued

"I'll still be here when you wake up." Haley said kissing his cheek

It was Saturday morning and Nathan and Haley were already out the door. It was their wedding day and they could help it but be excited. Nathan was all dressed up in a tuxedo while hey wore a simple white dress that cut off below her knees. She also had her hair up and in a hair band of pearls that layer on her hair. Jimmy and Lydia were there as the witnesses to the wedding and they couldn't be happier they were both dressed nicely but they still looked rather causal. The priest was in front of the two teenagers who were hand and hand on the beach.

"Nathan." The priest said

"Haley I never in a million years thought that I would be getting married in high school but than I met you. And suddenly I saw myself doing more and more things I never thought I would do. Like fall in love so much that it hurts to be apart. Or put your life on hold for someone else because you couldn't live without them. That's how I feel about you Haley, and. I always will, always and forever." Nathan said

"Haley." The priest said again

"Nathan it's been said that there is one works to set us free of all the pain and heart shaped of life and that word is love. And i truly believe that with all my heart. I have found a bravery and a stillness with you . You make me brave. And I promise to always be there for you and love you unconditionally until the end of time." Haley said tearing up at the end

"Nathan you may now kiss your bride."

They both reached for each other wasting no time and sealed there ceremony with there first kiss as a married couple.

"I love you Haley James." Nathan said looking into chocolatey irresistible  eyes.

"Haley James Scott And it always will be." Haley corrected him

"Always and forever?" He asked

"Always and forever." She reassured him

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