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"Thirty second left in the fourth and final quarter of the game and the ravens are ahead by twenty and a moving on to the semi finals!" Mouth shouted through the intercom as everyone in the crowd cheered along with him

the game was finally over and everyone poured onto to the court to take pictures and celebrate with the players. Practically everybody from Tree Hill was in a rush to go to center court except for a pregnant Haley who was perfectly content on the bleachers eating her Hershey bar and smiling as she saw Lucas celebrating with his team mates and not with anyone else. But when she looked over to the side lines she saw that instead of being with everybody else Brooke and Peyton were just watching Lucas in awe just hoping that he would come over and say something to them. Haley then searched for Nathan in the piles of people but she couldn't see him or even his jersey number hidden in-between people so she checked her phone and waited for a text or him to come in contact with her.

Nathan was in the center of the crowd and he was trying to push his way to the other side so he could leave and see Haley but when he was finally away from everybody he realized that he was on the wrong side so he walked around to the other side but he was very annoyed when he came face to face with his parents.

"Nathan, great game." Dan said

"Whatever." Nathan sad brushing him off

"When are you going to come home Nathan?" Dan asked

Nathan didn't even answer he just tried to walk past them but a faint voice paused his footsteps

"We miss you Nathan." Deb said quietly

"Shut up deb!" Dan yelled pushing her behind himself almost blocking her

Nathan turned around to see his mom, not noticing her when he initially came in contact with them. Her presence was different she was a lot less quite and blunt than she normally was and she had large bags under her eyes and a bruise on the side of her face. Nathan quickly pushed his assumptions out of his head and then walked away from the two of them.

"It's all your fault!" he heard Dan yell from behind him

Nathan ignored them again and then continued to walk to Haley, he finally saw her sitting on the bleacher eating a Hershey bar and feeling her stomach with her hand and smiling to herself.

"Hey pretty lady." Nathan yelled from a distance

"Why hello there handsome fella." she laughed

Nathan walked over to her and kissed her gently before sitting down and then placing his hand on her stomach.

"I'm just going to take a shower at home." Nathan said

"Okay lets get going then." Haley said as Nathan grabbed her hands and helped her up from the bleacher and they walked towards the door and Nathan grabbed his bag and then they walked out of the gym and were laughing as Nathan was joking around with her

"Nathan Scott!" a powerfull voice boomed from the side of them

Haley looked up to Nathan as he rolled his eyes and then turned to see who it was, Haley didn't recognize them at all but she could tell that Nathan did, and that he didn't like him

"Damien west." Nathan let out

"And you are..." the boy said looking to Haley for an answer

"This is Haley my wife." Nathan said grabbing Haley's hand tighter

"I can see that." Damien said motioning to her stomach

"What do you want?" Nathan said sounding annoyed

"Your team doesn't stand a chance against mine, we're undefeated." he informed Nathan

"Soon you will not be." Nathan said almost promising him a loss

"Is that a threat?" Damien asked stepping closer and clenching his fist

"No, its a promise."

"Come on Haley." Nathan said walking away from Haley

"See you on the court Scott and Haley don't forget to look behind you!" Damien said and Haley's heart sank with fear

"Don't listen to that jerk." Nathan said walking faster than he normally did to the car

"Haley?" Nathan asked once they were in the car

"What." she said plainly

"I think my dad is beating up my mom."

"What?!" Haley said taking more of interest

"On my way to see you after the game Dan stopped me, and I didn't notice deb right away but she looked drained, emotionally and physically she also had a bruise on the side of her face." Nathan explained

"Nathan are you sure because this is a serious accusation." Haley said

"I don't know ill investigate." he said

"No!" she yelled

"What. Why?"

"If what your saying turns out to be true there is no telling what he will do to you so just stay away from Dan for a while." Haley said sounding startled

"Yeah." Nathan whispered


"Okay, okay I promise." Nathan pleaded

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