Extra Story 1:Fire Peashooter

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Peashooter: According to my (gadget's name), the zombies are here. Plants, are you ready?

All Plants: Yes Peashooter (Except their clones).

Peashooter: Good. Now, we are ready to fight the zombies.

Zombies: The zombies are coming...Brainz.

Peashooter: The zombies are here! Sunflower, produce the suns for the plants.

Sunflower: Okay Peashooter. Girls, we need to produce the suns for the plants.

All Sunflowers (Clones): (Nodded their heads. In mind, they say ''Yes Sunflower").

Peashooter: Repeater, shoot the zombies as many as you can and Torchwood, the repeaters need the fire. Magnet-shroom, remove the buckets (he continue to talk the plants). Boys, we shoot the zombies.

The other plants got frozen.

Peashooter: Hot Potato, the plants are frozen. You need to melt the ice for them.

Hot Potato: Okay Peashooter.

More zombies are coming to the Peashooter. Suddenly, there was a fire pea appear the zombies in front of him.

Peashooter: Thanks for saving my life, Fire Pea.

Beta Fire Peashooter: It wasn't me.

Peashooter: What!? It wasn't you, then who?

Beta Fire Peashooter: Maybe it was Torchwood and Repeater.

Peashooter: Oh yeah, I forgot.

???: (Female voice) No they not.

Beta Fire Peashooter: Flaming Pea, is that you?

???: No, I'm not Flaming Pea.

Peashooter: Who are you?

???: (Remove her cloth) I'm Fire Peashooter.

Repeater: What!? A female Fire Peashooter.

Fire Peashooter: Guys, don't you remember me? I am your friend when we were a kid and I am Fire Pea's girlfriend.

Repeater: Oh yeah, we remember, sorry Fire Peashooter.

Fire Peashooter: It's okay.

Beta Fire Peashooter: Fire Peashooter, what are you doing here? It's too dangerous to fight the zombies and I won't let you harm.

Fire Peashooter: It's okay Fire Pea, I want to fight the zombies and save the people especially the children. I am so worried all of you especially my friends and my boyfriend.

Peashooter: Okay Fire Peashooter, you will join us.

Beta Fire Peashooter: But Peashooter...

Fire Peashooter: It's okay Fire Pea, I'll be fine and thank you Peashooter.

Peashooter: You're welcome.

Beta Fire Peashooter: Fine, I will always here to protect you Fire Peashooter.

Fire Peashooter: Thank you Fire Pea and you are so sweet.

Beta Fire Peashooter: You're welcome Fire Peashooter.

They all fight together against the zombies.

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