Extra Story 7: Rotobaga and Stunion

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This is a story the friendship of Rotobaga and Stunion since they were kids until grow up.

In year 1916, the children plants are waiting their teacher. While they are waiting, they are all talked each others except one.

Rotobaga: (Sigh) It's been two years since the world war is started in the human world. I wish the world war will end and go back to the human world again.

Suddenly, their teacher is appear name Rose.

Rose: Sorry class, I'm late because we have new student.

Rose saw the young plant outside the classroom.

Rose: Come on, don't be shy.

The young plant came in.

Rose: Now, introduce yourself in front of them.

The young plant began to talk.

Young Plant: Hi, my name is Stunion and I'm 7 decades old.

The children smelled Stunion's breath.

Male Plant: Ugh, his smell is so horrible.

The children are laughed.

Rose: Class quiet!

Stunion: (Sad) I think they don't like me, Tr. Rose.

Rose: Why did you say that Stunion?

Stunion: (Cried) Because they are laughing at me.

Rose: Please don't be cried Stunion, someone who like you and want to be a friend.

Stunion: (Still crying) Really?

Rose: Yeah, really Stunion. If the children bully you, just don't mind them and tell us, okay?

Stunion stop crying.

Stunion: Okay and thank you Tr. Rose.

Rose: You're welcome Stunion, just find the chair and sit it, okay?

Stunion: Okay.

Stunion find the chair and sat beside Rotobaga.

Rotobaga: Hi Stunion, my name is Rotobaga.

Stunion: Nice to meet you, Rotobaga. Are you not going to cover your nose or say something?

Rotobaga: Why did you say that Stunion?

Stunion: Because my breath is really bad and the children are dislike me.

Rotobaga: What are you talking about Stunion? I like your smell.

Stunion: (Suprised) What?!

Rotobaga: Yeah and I want to be your friend.

Stunion: (Blushed) Thank you.

Rotobaga: You're welcome.

In the recess time, Stunion sat the chair alone the table and the children are began talked about him. Suddenly, Rotobaga came and sat beside Stunion.

Stunion: Why are you here?

Rotobaga: Because you are alone and I want with you.

Stunion: But the children are talk about me and they will start bully me because my bad breath. I don't let you harm Rotobaga.

Rotobaga: I don't care Stunion and I want you protect from those bullies.

Stunion: But Rotobaga...

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