Extra Story 6: Dandelion

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In the Plant Kingdom, Dandelion is very mad.

Dandelion: (Rage) Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): What's wrong my dear little brother. 

Dandelion: The people think I am a girl because I sound like a girl. But I'm not a girl, I am a boy. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): I know your feelings my dear little brother, the people think that the other male plants are female because their looks, sounds and others even me. Then the people think that the other female plants are male. So don't mind them okay. 

Dandelion: Okay big brother and I think I'm gonna go to the human world.

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): Don't be mad when the people called you a girl and be control yourself okay. 

Dandelion:(Sigh) Okay.

He was going to the human world. The two girls saw Dandelion.

Little Girl: Look big sister! It's Dandelion. She is so cute, isn't she?

Dandelion:(In mind) "Great, she think I am a girl." 

Little Girl's Sister: Yes my dear little sister, she is so cute.

Dandelion: "Even her sister too."

Little Girl: I am so excited to meet and talk to her. 

The little girl is running to the Dandelion.

Little Girl's Sister: Be careful.

Dandelion: "(Angry) That its, I'm gonna... Oh wait, I remember my big brother say."


Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): Don't be mad when the people call you a girl and be control yourself okay. 

End of flashback...

Little Girl: Hi Dandelion! 

Dandelion: Hello little girl.

Little Girl: (Giggle) My name is Tina and this is my big sister, Linda. 

Dandelion: Nice to meet you, Linda and Tina. 

Tina: I am so happy to meet you and talk to you. You are so amazing and you are so cute. By the way, who is your friend? What is your favorite cartoon? What is your favorite movie? Do you like boys? Who is your crush? 

Dandelion: "(Angry) I hate her fourth question."

Linda: Tina, I think she's gonna mad.

Tina: That's why she's mad because I ask her many questions. Sorry Dandelion.

Dandelion: "(Angry) That's it, I can't control myself." 

Tina: Dandelion, are you okay? 

Dandelion: Do you think I'm okay Tina. 

Tina: You are so very mad. 

Dandelion: Yes Tina, I am so very mad because you and your sister think I am a girl. I'm not a girl, I am a boy! That's why I sound like a girl because I am a kid. Why are you and your sister think I am a girl Tina? Why?! 

Tina: (Cry) Because the people say you're the girl even the advertisement and social media too. 

Dandelion: You're not read the almanac, are you Tina?

Tina: Yes, but I ignore it. 

Dandelion: I hate the people ignore the almanac especially the gender. They will change the plants gender even the personality too. 

Tina:(Cry) I'm sorry Dandelion. 

Dandelion: Because of this, I'm gonna...


Dandelion: Oh, you are so very protective Linda, but I'm gonna hurt both of you. 

Suddenly Dandelion's sister is appear.

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): LIO STOP! 

Dandelion: Oh no, my big sister is here. 


Dandelion: But...

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): JUST DO IT!

Dandelion: I'm sorry. 

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): Good and go home!

Dandelion was going back to the Plant Kingdom. 

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): I'm sorry, my little brother is mad and he try to hurt both of you. 

Linda: It's okay, it's our fault because we think he is a girl. 

Tina: Me too. Even he is so very angry and try to hurt me and my big sister, he is still my favorite plant.

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): I think I'm gonna go home, bye-bye.

Linda and Tina: Bye-bye Dandelion's sister. 

In the Plant Kingdom, Dandelion( PvZ: Chinese Version) saw his brother crying in his room. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): Why are you crying, my dear little brother?

Dandelion: Because big sister is mad at me. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): Why?

Dandelion: Because I mad the two girls because they think I'm a girl and I try to hurt them. Big sister is appear and she is so angry.

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): That's why she is so mad at you because you mad the two girls and you try to hurt them. I told you please don't be mad and be control yourself before you go to the human world. I am so very disappointed you little brother. 

Dandelion: I know and I'm sorry. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): It's okay little brother. I think I'm gonna go outside and go to your sister.  

Dandelion: Okay. 

Dandelion( PvZ: Chinese Version) exit his brother's room and he saw his sister. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): Little sister.

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): Big brother.

They hugged. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): I know what happen to Lio. It's all my fault and I shouldn't let him to go the human world. 

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): It's okay big brother. 

Dandelion(PvZ: Chinese Version): By the way, Lio is here and he is crying. 

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): I'm sure he will be okay. I don't want him to become evil. I want him to be a good plant especially when he was grow up. 

Suddenly Dandelion is exit from his room.

Dandelion: Big sister, I'm sorry.

He hugged his sister.

Dandelion(PvZ: GW 2): It's okay Lio, please don't do that again next time. But we need tell our parents about the happened okay. 

Dandelion: Okay.

They are all hugged. 

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