Extra Story 2:My Brother

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This story after Plants vs Zombies: Lawnmageddon and before Plants vs. Zombies: Timepocalypse.

Patrice saw Nate holding a candle, matches, letter and a flower.

Patrice: Hi Nate!

Nate: Hello Patrice!

Patrice: Where are you going?

Nate: To the cemetery.

Patrice: Cemetery?

Nate: Yes Patrice, I visit to my brother Nathan.

Patrice: You had a brother.

Nate: And I had a sister name Nellie.

Patrice: I had a brother name Patrick but he is so annoying.

Nate: Why?

Patrice: It's a long story Nate.

Nate: Okay.

They are going to the cemetery. Nate light the candle and he put the flower in the tomb. Patrice read the tomb and it say: RIP Mark Nathan E. Timely 1995-2003

Patrice: Your brother died at the very young age, what happened?

Nate: My parents and sister told me that my brother climbed the tree to get the balloon when I was a one year old. He fell and he hit his head in the rock in front of me. I'm cried and my parents and sister saw me and my brother. They rushed him in the hospital but he was dead.

Patrice: I'm sorry Nate.

Nate: It's okay Patrice, I want to send this letter to the heaven but I need the balloon.

Patrice saw the man sell the balloons.

Patrice: Look Nate! The balloons.

They went to the man and Nate asked him.

Nate: How much the balloon, mister?

Man: It's only one dollar boy.

Nate: Here.

Nate gave the dollar to the man and he gave the balloon to him.

Man: Thank you.

Nate: You're welcome and thank you.

Man: You're welcome boy.

Nate put his letter to the balloon and he let the balloon to fly.

Patrice: Your brother will read your letter Nate.

Nate: I know Patrice, I know.

There was a balloon zombie behind the tree and he stared Nate and Patrice.

Balloon Zombie: Nate...

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