Extra Story 5: Dr. Zomboss

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This story after Plants vs. Zombies:Grown Sweet Home #4 and before Plants vs. Zombies:Grown Sweet Home #5 and 6. 

Dr. Zomboss was still thinking that Crazy Dave, Nate and Patrice teach the plants to be self-sufficient and fit into human society. He think that his army will be fit into human society. 

Dr. Zomboss: Hmm... The plants are learning to be self-sufficient and fit into the human society, so my army will be learning too. Mwuhahaha!

Suddenly the little boy is appear. 

Little Boy: Excuse me mister.

Dr. Zomboss: What? 

Little Boy: Have you seen my parents? 

Dr. Zomboss: No.

Little Boy: I'm lost and I don't know where am I. Can you please help me to find my parents, please?

Dr. Zomboss: Fine, I will help you to find your parents.

Little Boy: Yehey! Thank you mister. By the way, my name is Richard, how about you?

Dr. Zomboss: My name is Dr. Edgar George Zomboss or you can called me Dr. Zomboss. 

Richard: Nice to meet you Dr. Zomboss. 

Richard notice that the zombies are disguise.

Richard: Who are these guys?

Dr. Zomboss: These are my army.

Richard: Okay.

Dr. Zomboss: By the way Richard, what your parents look like?

Richard: My parents are tall, they have both brown eyes and black hair. My daddy wear white long sleeve, black pants and shoes. My mommy wear red dress and heels but her hair is short. 

Dr. Zomboss: Okay Richard, I think I saw them early here the street. 

Richard: Really?

Dr. Zomboss: Yeah. They search you and they are so worry. 

Richard: (Happy) It means my parents are here! They really love me. Come on Dr. Zomboss, let's find my parents. 

Richard is running and he holds Dr. Zomboss' hand.

Dr. Zomboss: (In Mind) " This boy is not afraid of me. He didn't know that me and my army are zombies." Richard. 

Richard stop running.

Richard: Yes Dr. Zomboss.

Dr. Zomboss: Why are you not afraid of me?  

Richard: Why did you ask me that?

Dr. Zomboss: Because me and my army are zombies and we eat brains. We are evil and we invaded the Neighborville. 

Richard: Even you and your army are zombies, I'm not afraid of you. 

Dr. Zomboss: (Shock) Why?!

Richard: Because I believe that you and your army are good. All the living creatures are good even they are bad. By the way, I don't believe that you and your army are eat the brain.

They are walking. 

Dr. Zomboss: " He is right, even I am evil, I am still good. But my enemies think that I am evil. He didn't believe that we eat the brain.We want to eat the humans brains but we didn't. Instead, we eat animals brains." 

They search Richard's parents until Richard saw his parents in the park. 

Richard: Look guys! My parents. 

Richard run to his parents.

Richard: Mommy! Daddy!

Richard's Parents: Richard. 

They are all hugged.

Richard's Mother: We're so happy to find you and you're safe. 

Richard: Mommy, Daddy.

Richard's Parents: Yes Richard.

Richard: I met  a man name Dr. Zomboss.

Richard's Father: But Richard, your mother and I told you don't talk to strangers.

Richard: I know Daddy, but he help me to find you and mommy with his army. He is here now. 

Richard's father look Dr. Zomboss and his army but he didn't see them. 

Richard's Father: Where are they Richard?

Richard: I know they are here Daddy.

Richard search Dr. Zomboss and his army.

Richard: Dr. Zomboss! Where are you? My parents are here and I want to meet them.

Richard's Mother: I think they are shy Richard.

Richard's Father: Yeah and I think they are leave. 

Richard: But you didn't meet them and I didn't say thank you to them.

Richard's Mother: Don't worry Richard, we will meet them and say thank you to them someday.

Richard: You're right Mommy.

Richard's Father: I think we're going home now Richard. 

Richard: Okay daddy.

They are walking and Richard look behind.

Richard: Thank you for helped me to find my parents Dr. Zomboss. I hope we will meet again someday. 

Dr. Zomboss and his army are staring Richard with his parents behind the tree and bushes. 

Dr. Zomboss: He is so lucky because he have parents. All the humans have their own parents but us, we don't know where our parents is?  Are they zombies or not? If our parents are not zombies, it means we are human. We don't remember what our parents name is or others. I hope we will meet our parents someday. And Richard, he remind me the little boy in my past life but I don't know who is he? I hope we will remember our past life and we will know who really we are. (Sigh) I think we gonna go and continue spy the plants even the humans too.

Suddenly there was a male spirit far away in the park but he saw the zombies. 

Male Spirit: I hope you will remember your past life when you are a human and your parents and friends, Edgar.

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