Extra Story 4: Ghost Pepper

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In the Dark Ages, the plants are fighting the zombies.

Fume-shroom: More zombies are coming.

Puff-shroom: Yeah and I'm going to disappear.

Magnet-shroom: Ugh, I hate Zombie King.

Fume-shroom: Sun-shroom, Sun Bean, please produce more suns.

Sun-shroom: But Fume-shroom...

Fume-shroom: Just do what I say!

Sun-shroom: Yes Fume-shroom. I hate sun.

Sun Bean: Why?

Sun-shroom: Just I hate it.

Sun-shroom produce more suns and Sun Bean was eaten by the zombies, then it's produce small suns when the zombie got hit. The zombies are defeated

Puff-shroom: Yes! We defeat the zombies.

Pea-nut: Oh no!

Fume-shroom: What's wrong Pea-nut?

Pea-nut: It's Dark Ages Gargantuar.

Hypno-shroom: What do we do?

Fume-shroom: I'll handle this.

Fume-shroom eat the plant food and he defeat the Gargantuar.

Plantern: Thanks goodness, the Dark Ages Gargantuar is defeat.

Suddenly Wizard Zombie is appear.

Wizard Zombies: Hello plants.

Plants: Oh no! It's Wizard Zombie.

Wizard Zombie: You're right plants, I'm here to transform all of you into a sheeps.

Plants: Nooooo!!!!!

Wizard Zombie: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wizard Zombie use his power to transform the plants into a sheeps. Meanwhile, Ghost Pepper saw the sheeps.

Ghost Pepper: Wow! There are many sheeps here. I wonder where are the other plants is?

Fume-shroom: Ghost Pepper.

Ghost Pepper: Aahh!! The sheep is talking.

Fume-shroom: It's us, the plants.

Ghost Pepper: Why are you all transformed into a sheeps?

Puff-shroom: Because Wizard Zombie transformed us into a sheeps.

Sun-shroom: You need get out of here before Wizard Zombie back.

Wizard Zombie is back behind Ghost Pepper.

Fume-shroom: Oh no, he's here.

Pea-nut: Behind you Ghost Pepper!

Ghost Pepper turned around and she saw Wizard Zombie.

Wizard Zombie: Hello there, little plant.

Ghost Pepper: So, you must be Wizard Zombie.

Wizard Zombie: You're right little plant, I transformed your friends into a sheeps. Now, I can transform you into a sheep.

Ghost Pepper: I'm not scared of you.

Pea-nut: Ghost Pepper no!

Wizard Zombie: You are so brave little plant, now I will transform you into sheep.

Plants: No!

Wizard Zombie use his power to transform the Ghost Pepper into a sheep but she's not transform.

Wizard Zombie: What?! You can't transform into a sheep.

Ghost Pepper: Yes Wizard Zombie, I can't transform into a sheep because I am a ghost. Now, it's my turn.

Ghost Pepper use her power to defeat the Wizard Zombie but he is scared.

Wizard Zombie: Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! I'm surrender.

He was running away. The plants are back into normal.

Fume-shroom: Wow! You are so great Ghost Pepper.

Puff-shroom: Good job.

Pea-nut: We thought you going to transform into a sheep.

Hypno-shroom: Thanks for saving us Ghost Pepper.

Ghost Pepper: Thank you and you're welcome.

Sun-shroom: Ghost Pepper cannot transform into a sheep because she is a ghost. But she wear her costume, that's weird.

Ghost Pepper: I know you think why I can't transform into a sheep. I think we can go home now boys.

Plants: Okay.

Magnet-shroom: What's wrong Fume-shroom?

Fume-shroom: I think about Wizard Zombie. He will tell Zomboss about Ghost Pepper and I don't know what will happen next.

Magnet-shroom: Don't worry Fume-shroom, I hope it's gonna be alright because we are all powerful.

Fume-shroom: You're right Magnet-shroom, we are so powerful because we eat the plant foods and I hope that Zomboss will not make the evil plan against Ghost Pepper.



Wizard Zombie: Zomboss! Zomboss!

Dr. Zomboss: What's wrong Wizard Zombie?

Wizard Zombie: There is a plant who can't transform into a sheep name Ghost Pepper.

Dr. Zomboss: Don't worry Wizard Zombie, I will make the plan against the Ghost Pepper. Mwuhahaha!

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