Sunshine with a Side of Happiness

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Alice and I spent the entire afternoon sitting on the swing, writing back and forth with each other. She made it a her own personal mission to not speak one word. She even went as far as to attempt not to laugh, but it was quite amusing when she'd grab the book sporadically and write a simple haha or ha ha ha if she was being sarcastic. She even decorated every page as we filled them up.

I had learned a lot about her this afternoon. She and her family had just moved here from a small town in Connecticut. When I asked why they moved, she just shrugged then proceeded to write that her mom had grown up around here, and she missed her friends that still lived here.

I wonder if she was friends with Esme?...

I decided I'd ask Esme when she came home.

She'll be thrilled that at least you conversed with someone today...

Alice wrote to me all about life in Connecticut, the school she went to, and how everyone there thought she was a freak. I looked at her dumbfounded when she said that. When she saw my face she slipped out a little giggle, then laughed even harder as she tried to supress it again. It was quite amusing to watch. I took the book from her and wrote:

Why did they think you're a freak? They had no reason to. I should know...I am one

She immediately took the book back and started hurriedly scrawling across the page.

Bella! You are not a freak! You're just unique! So what if other people don't understand it...that's their own damn fault! Oh, and they thought I was a freak cause I have an uncanny ability to predict things from time to time. It freaked them out, they thought I was a witch or a psychic or something...I just think it's intuition...

I took the book back and silently chuckled for a second as I wrote.

So, you're not going to randomly grab my hand and tell me all about the guy I'm NOT going to marry, or how many children I WON'T have?

She read my entry quickly then rolled her eyes.

Silly Bella, I don't need your palm to do that! Your husband is going to be gorgeous, and amazing, and perfect, and you'll have 2.5 kids, a cute country house with a white picket fence, a dog, 2 cats, a few fish..... oh and by the way he has beautiful green eyes! Hahaha

I snatched the book back still shaking from my silent giggles. I read her entry quickly, and almost choked when I read the green eyes part. Only one name popped into my head, the same name that always pops in my head at the mention of the color green. Edward Masen.

It's quite pathetic really. We used to be friends when we were kids. I can still remember being completely entranced by him even at that young age. He had the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen...or have seen since for that matter.

Stupid Bella, there's no point in thinking about him now! He doesn't even acknowledge you exist anymore! GET A CLUE! He hasn't talked to you since you were 10 freaking years old!!!...

Stupid voice.

I quickly turned my attention back to the book and began scribbling my entry in response.

I really hope she didn't notice me space out back there. That would be WAY embarassing! And people think it's embarassing to voice their secrets...nothing like leaving a paper trail of them behind! Yeah....I think I'll pass on that debacle right now...

Alice, maybe they were right. Maybe you are a freak...cause seriously I had fish once, and I forgot to feed them and they died. I don't think the Humane Society would condone me EVER having a dog and cats! haha OH! And I think you went a bit overboard with the whole white picket fence and 2.5 kids bit!

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