Kodak Moments and Splendiferous Giddyness

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After Alice and I dropped our bag of conversation scrapbooking supplies off in the living room we headed off to find Esme. When we entered the kitchen we found Esme rummaging through the refrigerator, taking out ingredients for her famous pot roast.

Alice immediately elbowed me in the side and attempted to push me forward. I half spun around, dramatically raising my shoulders and hands, along with my eyebrows clearly indicating that I was asking "What do you want me to do?" It's not as if I can just walk up to her and say "Hey Esme, can we have spaghetti tonight instead?"

Yeah cause that's completely feasible at this moment!

Alice in turn ran out of the room at a breakneck speed, only to return seconds later with a dry erase board and marker.

Where the hell did she get that from?!

I pointed at the board and furrowed my brow. She giggled silently and mouthed "From the bag, Bella...DUH!" She even had the audacity to roll her eyes when she mouthed the "DUH" part.

Yeah like I knew everything that she stowed away in the bag of tricks. For all I knew she'd pull a damn rabbit out of it next!

I rolled my eyes back at her and held my hand out for the board and marker. Once in hand I quickly scribbled out a note to Esme on it.

Esme, can we maybe have Italian tonight for dinner instead of pot roast? It's been forever since we've had it. Please?

I tapped her on the shoulder and braced the board against my chest so she could read it. She quickly read the note, and smiled. I figured she would just answer vocally, but instead she held her hand out for the marker.

I'm positive that my face appeared as dumbstruck as I felt at that moment. I'm pretty sure my point was validated by the tinkling of Alice's unsurpressed laughter in the background.

Esme took the marker and quickly jotted down her response. I flipped the board around and read it.

I think that's a great idea Bella. How about some chicken cacciatore?

I smiled widely and quickly scrawled my response.

That sounds GREAT! We haven't had that in FOREVER!

I flipped the board back over so she could read it. She took the marker once again and wrote another note down.

Chicken cacciatore it is honey. Why don't you show Alice around and I'll call you when dinner's ready, okay?

I spun the board back around to read the note. I quickly looked back up at Esme, smiled, nodded, and then leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. She giggled as I spun around to take Alice on the grand tour with the board and marker in my hand. Just as I was turning the corner Esme called out to me while still chuckling.

"If I would have known chicken cacciatore could make you this happy, I would have made it every night for dinner!" I quickly turned back around and flashed a quick true smile in her direction before turning back around.

I caught up with Alice in the hallway and waved at her to follow me. I took her on a brief tour of the house, I didn't feel the need to explain the rooms...I'm pretty sure she was aware of what they were just by looking at them.

To sum it up, I pretty much just opened doors and let her wander through the rooms. When we got to the last room on the right upstairs, I paused before opening the door. Alice quickly looked at me, questioning me with her eyes where we were. I quickly tapped my chest, then pointed at the door to tell her it was my room. She smiled and stepped forward.

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