Fainting Spells and Broken Shields

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Bella..what am I going to do with you? Wake up nit-wit!

Go away. It isn't time yet. This is just the beginning. I don't feel like talking..too much has happened already. I just want the comfort of the silence to come already.

Feel free to wait...but it isn't going to come. haha

Of course it will.. it always does when this happens. And why the hell are you chuckling?

When what happens genius? And I'm chuckling because you obliviousness amuses me.

When I freeze up Einstein! Well I'm glad one of us is at least having a good time...humph!

You're not frozen Bella..you fainted jackass! That's what happens when you forget to breathe!...Haha...I swear..completely oblivious.

No I didn't! I froze! AGAIN! And quit laughing at me ass-cookie!

GAH! Bella, listen to me. Don't you realize yet that the silence would have already come? And since when did the world spin before you froze? Hm? Or how about the black spots? Ever seen those before Sherlock?...yeah didn't think so..cause you FAINTED!

What's that noise? There's never been noise in here before.

Oh my God!!!!

WHAT?!? WHAT?!? WHY ARE YOU SCREECHING LIKE THAT?!? Are we stuck here?!?

Hahaha, Bella you truly are a tool! That noise is Carlisle calling your name brainiac...I would think that after knowing him this long you'd at least be able to recognize his voice.

How is Carlisle's voice seeping through? It's never penetrated through this before...

BECAUSE YOU FAINTED! It's not the same thing! Quit being so damn daft!

Gah!! Stupid voice! Thinks it knows everything...damn EinsteinJesusSherlockHolmesMother Teresa wanna be! Stupid ass-cookie!

...I'm not even going to retort to that.. just get your damn bearings, collect yourself, and wake up...

Ha! That's what I thought!

I let my conversation with myself fade away and focused on the other unusual sensations floating around me. I had to admit...it felt nothing like it usually does. I could hear Carlisle's muffled voice, along with Esme's and Alice's as well. That's weird. I could hear them, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It wasn't clear enough. I felt something faintly brush against my cheek, followed by the muffled sounds of Esme. Weird. That's never happened before.

Huh...maybe I really did faint. I really need to remind myself to breath if that's what really happened.

Suddenly everything that had happened since I had come to slammed into me. Alice, Esme, and Carlisle were all fine. They weren't hurt at all. Nothing happened to them.

How is that possible? Surely SOMETHING should have happened.

Bella..it's like I told you before, the things that happened in your past were NOT your fault. You had nothing to do with it.

But what about Grammy Marie? You can't deny what happened with her...it's not possible.

Good Lord..you'll never let it go will you? Do you really think that you could have killed her just by saying goodnight to her? Is that really what you believe?

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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