3. Duke William Solace

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I took Duke William Solace's hand and shook it. I no longer thought he'd been taking the limes to the kitchens. And as I looked at him, something struck me. He was the one who hadn't clapped when the announcements happened. I think I'd recognize that curly golden mess he called hair anywhere. Even from far away. "You weren't clapping."

"Ah, you were able to notice? You have fantastic eyes." I wasn't entirely sure he was talking about my vision.

Will nodded, the smile never leaving his lips, "It's a little unfair to make someone marry someone they don't love, don't you think?"

"How do you-"

"I presume you would have been smiling wider with love in your eyes when everyone was told. But that was not the case with you. Your eyes weren't gleaming and you looked so stiff up there by his side." He took another look at me, "And I'm guessing you aren't having such a great time tonight either."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why do you care? It's not like it matters. And it shouldn't matter to you. I don't even know you."

"Someone should. And it doesn't seem like your father or your fiancé do." He sighed, the smile finally slipping away. "You don't have to know someone for them to care. You care for your citizens do you not? You would care if they were to get hurt? And you don't know them."

I glared, "It isn't any of your business."

"But I care nonetheless."

"Well don't."

His lips twitched. He found this amusing. Little fuck. "You can't stop me, Prince Nico."

"Pick up your limes and leave me alone Duke William."

"I have a better idea." His mouth stretched back into a smile. "Dance with me."

At his words, heads turned. Even Reyna, whom I had completely forgotten about and who usually didn't care about whoever decided to ask me to dance, trained her eyes on us. And she was smirking. Damn him. He knew I couldn't refuse him if people looked. It would be ungentlemanly of me and I couldn't appear that way. I was the Prince. I needed to be graceful and accepting. And I could be, it was just that most of the time, I chose not to be. When I was, I knew it was simply me trying to impress my father, to show him I could be the son he wanted me to be and not a letdown. I didn't like it but I could never resist doing it. Unfortunately, being graceful and accepting included agreeing to dance with any idiots who asked me in public. I huffed, "Fine. One dance."

His grin widened and held out his hand for me to take, "That's all I'm asking for Your Highness."

I took his outstretched hand and together, we took the dance floor.

He was a good dancer, I'll admit. We glided easily through the crowd and people had even started to make way wherever we'd glided to next. But even before the song ended, someone, also known as Prince Ethan, tapped Will on the shoulder. We stopped and he turned his head to look at him. "Yes?"

"May I borrow my fiancé for a dance?" His expression looked more like he was ordering Will to hand me over. I was instantly filled with loathing. I wasn't some item he could just ask for and receive. Even if that's what had already happened with our engagement. I didn't need any repetition of it. Not in any form.

Will looked at me from the corner of his eye and must have seen the hate in my eyes before he replied, the sunniest smile warming his face. "Sorry, he owes me a couple of dances for almost spilling lemonade on me and I plan on cashing them this evening."

"You are aware he is engaged to me?"

Will shrugged, "But he's dancing with me." Not you, his expression said. His sunny smile never left his lips.

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