16. My Wedding "Gift"

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"My sweet Prince, I have wonderful news." Ethan stood from a bench facing the gardens and took my hands. "Our wedding is once again in the works."

I had a sudden urge to vomit in in one of the potted plants beside the bench. I swallowed, "I see."

"One months time from now we will at last become one."

His choice of words did not do me any favours. I still wanted to puke but I had to remind myself that we actually would not be together eternally. It would only be temporary. And there was no way we would ever "become one." I only had to wait out the nightmare. Once the story played through, I would awake from this disastrous dream and into the arms of my beloved. 

"Your Majesty," Maxwell appeared and bowed to Ethan, "The wedding designer has arrived. He wishes to speak with you."

Ethan nodded, smiled in my direction and ordered Maxwell to take him to the wedding designer. I was left alone in the gardens with my personal Vindectae guard. I took the opportunity to get to know him. "Your name was Luke, yes?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"I do believe we've met before." I sat on the bench Ethan had left bare and beckoned him to sit as well. "Tell me about yourself."

He eyes the bench but did not sit. "Our relationship is to be strictly professional, my prince."

Stupid Ethan. He was behind this. He wasn't as idiotic as he appeared. "Then I shall tell you about myself in the hopes of becoming your friend. I would rather know the person guarding me than have a stranger doing the job. Like my previous guard, for example, she is my very closest friend. I miss her dearly but as I'm sure everyone knows, Ethan no longer trusts either of us. Which is why you are here."

"I will not become your closest friend."

"I never asked."

"Those are your intentions. You are in need of someone on your side. It is no secret that you wish to escape again. Everyone here knows, except Ethan. He believes you have given up." I eyed him warily. He did not need to be telling me this. He continued, "I am a knight of Vindectae. This is my home and I will always be on that side but being coerced into being someone you are not is not something I can get behind."

"You will help then." This was what he was saying, but why? What would he gain?

He saw the question on my face and answered without my having to voice it. "You came back for a way to escape Ethan again without a chase, right? If I am correct, there are not many ways to rid yourself of Ethan again without a chase."

"What do you think I plan on doing?"

"Kill him." There was no emotion in his voice and nothing behind his eyes when he said the words. My immediate reaction was to look around and make sure no one had overheard.

When I saw there was no sign of anyone I turned and glared, "Say it louder will you? I don't think the king in question heard you."

He smirked, "I'm correct."

Frowning, I stood and started in the direction of the doors. "We will finish this conversation in my rooms."

Safely inside and checking there were no maids, I turned on Luke. "Why do you insinuate such things?"

"I am not insinuating, your expression gave you away my Prince."

"I will not kill him, not if I do not have to. I will find another way."

"You have never killed have you, Prince?"

"No. And I do not wish for something of the sort plague my dreams for all of my life."

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