9. I Am Not Quite Free

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"What in all the heavens." Ethan mumbled as he sat up, a hand on his lethargic head. The right side was pounding, like he had been hit. He wondered if he had and that was why he was waking up on the stage he was supposed to be giving a toast on. His eyesight was fuzzy as well but he managed to stand. He then felt a dampness on his chest and realized his shirt was wet. He had spilled his drink all over himself. How embarrassing. This was not supposed to happen to a king, much less on the eve of his wedding night.

"Your Majesty." Maxwell rushed to Ethan and stood before him. "Are you harmed?"

Ethan's eyesight was finally returning to normal. He peered at the crowd of guests gathered before him. Only then did he see that they were also waking up. What exactly had happened? "What's happened, Maxwell?"

"It seems a sleeping potion was slipped into the champagne meant for your toast for the Prince of Inferos." Even under these circumstances, Maxwell was as calm as ever. King Ethan envied him for it. How was it his servant had no side effects to the potion but he had? The King?

Suddenly, at the mention of the the Prince, a thought struck him. "Maxwell. Where is the Prince?"

At last, a crack in Maxwell's perfectly emotionless demeanor appeared. "I do not know." He turned to look at the sleepy guests, who had started to murmur among themselves. "Was he not listening to your speech?"

Ethan had not noticed. He had been engrossed in the beginning of a night that would be all about him. He dared not tell Maxwell this. Maxwell would surely reprimand him.

'You are King now, Your Majesty. You have no time to spend focusing on yourself. Your subjects must come first, no matter the circumstance.' He would say.

Ethan shook his head and lied, "I was sure I saw him go towards the kitchens. He must have not gotten a glass."

What he didn't know was that he was correct. Nico had in fact gone towards the kitchens but not intending a glass of champagne for himself.

"I'll check the kitchens at once." Maxwell nodded and hurried in the direction of the kitchens, avoiding anyone who was still drowsy and waking.

While Maxwell did that, Ethan looked over his guests and quickly apologized. As he continued to apologize and let them know it would be best if they returned to their rooms as they investigated the issue, he took notice of a missing certain blond duke. He stopped abruptly in his apology and frowned. He had no doubt that slimy duke had a hand in what had happened. He decided to join Maxwell in the kitchens. Making his way there, guests swarmed him, demanding to kn ow what was going on. He ignored them all. Just as he was to enter the kitchens, Maxwell exited. He gave away nothing with his expression. He simply shook his head. The guests got louder.

"Did the cooks say anything?" Ethan asked.

"A servant mentioned Prince Nico entering with Dame Reyna and asking for several glasses of champagne each. They claimed to be taking them to the knights positioned outside."

Ethan was most displeased. "What of Duke William?"

Maxwell nodded and entered the kitchens for a second time. He returned shortly. "They say he came in not long before them requesting the same thing."

Ethan clenched his hands, "Maxwell, send knights to check the perimeter of the castle and others to check inside the castle."

Maxwell scurried off.

Ethan had a guess of what exactly had happened but he didn't want to believe it had actually happened. He wanted the Knights to come back with Nico trailing behind them. Looking half asleep because he had fallen asleep with the knights outside. And he wanted them to come inside dragging Will behind them like the dog he was for trying to seduce his fiance.

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