8. Escape

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The months leading towards October went by without a hitch. Plans were made. For the wedding as much as for my escape. The planning went by smoothly as well. So smoothly that everything was set a whole week in advance. And I was as nervous as ever.

"Nico." Will tried to take my hand, trying to shake me of my reverie as he did so. His touch brought me back, snatching my hand away, scared of the burn it would bring with it. I still didn't know what caused it. I hoped it wasn't anything serious.

"What is it?" I brought my knees up to my chest and crossed my arms atop them.

"Reyna? Where is she?"

We were having a meeting in the gardens, hiding behind a couple of cherry trees and berry bushes that were now yellow and orange due to the season. It was the last meeting left after everything, to make sure we hadn't missed anything because next week, everything would be set in motion and guests would start arriving, making it that much harder for us to meet. This was our last chance to go over everything. Especially now that Ethan had been gone for two days on business. He would return the following day.

"Reyna will be here. One of my knights from Inferos appeared out of nowhere with her dogs. She'd left them in his care but they hadn't stopped whining for the past two months. They sent her a letter and she replied telling them to leave them at home, but I guess they missed her too much."

"Why didn't she bring them with her?"

"We weren't sure Ethan would be okay with it. And we would not have been okay if he mistreated them."

Will nodded, "So what are their names?"

"Argentum and Aurum."

"Hello," Reyna's voice drifted towards us from wherever she was in the gardens, "Have you perhaps seen Prince Nico?" She must have been asking a gardener.

"Oh, yes. He walked somewhere there, looking quite nervous. Poor boy, he must be nervous about his wedding. A walk is sure to help those nerves."

I resisted the urge to snort as we listened.

"Right. Thank you."

"Dame Reyna, you mustn't worry so much about him. Your prince can take care of himself I'm sure. And no one here would dare harm him."

"Apologies. I don't mean to make it seem you are untrustworthy but it is my duty to watch over him."

"It's quite all right. I understand."

Reyna didn't say anything after that and we heard footsteps coming closer and closer until she was right in front of us with her greyhounds at either side of her. As soon as Argentum and Aurum laid eyes on me, they jumped to say hello. It was a good thing I was already on the floor or they would have pushed me down. That would not have been pleasant.

When the dogs let up and I was sitting again, Reyna was sitting between Will and me, making a complete triangle. She smiled at her dogs as they positioned themselves behind her. Then she turned back to us, "Nico, you can't go wandering without me." She was keeping up the pretence. The gardener was probably still there.

"I'm quite fine Reyna, as you can see. I simply wanted a little nature."

There was the soft rustling as someone took steps on the grass but they were getting further. Reyna took the liberty to peek over the bushes and when she was positive the gardener was out of earshot she asked, "So Will, how's everything?"

But still, both whispered.

"Everything is well. Lou is set to arrive in the next three days. Posing as another servant, they won't take a second glance. Especially with the glamour she'll be wearing."

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