7. Sneaking and Planning

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"What do you think, Nico? Black? Or blood red?" Ethan asked as he ran his fingers over the pieces of velvet Will held.

"Why not both?" I stared at the pieces of cloth, but wasn't really looking.

"Very well." He eyed Will as he stopped stroking the velvet, "You have the colors of his robe. Now go."

Ethan wanted me to wear my Queen's cape as soon as our kiss was over during the wedding.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Will bowed and shot me an pitying smile behind Ethan's shoulders as he left, knowing I wanted to be on this date about as much as I wanted to cut off my own limbs.

Once he was gone, Ethan attempted to take my hand as we resumed walking towards the gardens, I moved it out of the way and clasped them behind my back. "I agreed to come on his date with you. In return, I would appreciate it if you did not touch me. Ever."

Ethan chuckled, "Very well. Then tell me about yourself."

"There is nothing to tell."

"Of course there is." Ethan thought before asking, "What is your favourite food?"

"The type you can ingest."

"Of course." He chuckled but his expression quickly turned into one of irritation, "You know, this isn't much of a date if you don't respond to what I ask."

"Oh, I apologize, it's seems you've gone deaf and are unable to hear my replies." I motioned behind me like I was calling someone over. "I'll alert Maxwell at once."

"I'm doing this for you." He was not amused.

"For me, you say? And here I was, thinking this was all for your pleasure." I stopped and made a great show of bowing, "Forgive me, Your Majesty. Next time I will be aware of the reason behind the dates you planned with the man you are marrying against his will. Simply because you can."

"You wish to marry a person you know! I am doing this so you can have the chance to know me!" He was almost shouting. He was trying to keep his voice in check but it was loud at the beginning of every word.

"I wish to marry a person I love! You are not that person! For gods sake you are twice my age, so don't ever believe you are!" I suddenly couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and stormed towards the castle.

I had come outside to have lunch with him when he asked, remembering Reyna's advice to play along, especially now that Will was here in person. I had listened to him tell me about his mother and the land because he said I would need the information once I was queen. I helped pick out colors for the napkins and the color of my cape. And I agreed to take a walk in the garden with him. All the while I didn't want to. But now, I would not stand here and be told he was doing all this for my sake when I had no say in the matter in the first place.

Halfway back, Reyna joined my side. Ethan had asked them to keep their distance for today on our date but they were never too far. Maxwell and Reyna. Especially Maxwell as he had been the one to serve us.

As I reached the doors back inside the castle, I heard Ethan shout, "I am not a bad man, Nico! You will see that soon enough!"

I ground my teeth, annoyed, but said nothing back. I just wanted to get away from him.

Reyna placed her hand comfortingly on my shoulder as she followed behind me. "You'll be okay."

Her words calmed me some. To anyone hearing her say that it was simply a friend comforting a friend. But it meant something else. She was telling me that tonight she was going to discuss things with Will. He must have let her know when he was heading back from speaking to Ethan and I. That always comforted me. Knowing I was one step closer to getting away.

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