Chapter 1

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It was abnormally quiet for the apartment. Roman didn't live with anyone so he was normally quiet. What made it loud was his neighbors.
He moved to his apartment 2 weeks ago and everyday without fail he would hear yelling and shouting or something breaking from the door to his left. He never saw them leave but he has heard the door creak open in the middle of the night multiple times. Of course he was curious as to who lived there but he didn't want to just open the door and stare at them.
So now that it's quiet Roman is actually very concerned. Then all of a sudden he heard loud shouting again. He could never make out what they were saying but he was sure there had to be at least 3 people in the apartment. Room mates don't fight like this so a dysfunctional family?
He jumped a little when he heard glass smashing and loud thumps running through his apartment. Roman had a bad feeling like he always did when he heard them but he ignored it and went back to what he was doing.

Four hours later Roman woke up. He had no idea when he had fallen asleep but he did. He yawned and got up looking at the time. The clock showed in bright green numbers 2:23 am. A sigh passed Romans lips as he was going to go lay back down but he heard something. A small sound, barely there but it was there. He walked down his small hallway to his front door and put his hands on it. He heard the door closing to his neighbors apartment. Quietly as if not to wake anyone up. Then a thud. A muffled groan came from the hall. The person had fallen. Roman quickly opened the door to find a man with crystal blue eyes staring right at him kneeling on the ground. He had curly sandy brown hair and a bruise on his cheek. His lip was bleeding and he just looked weak. The man had a death grip at his middle as if all his intestines could fall right out of him. He had some dried up blood in his hair and his stubble. "Hey, c-can you help me out?"
His voice was raspy and deep.
"Yeah sorry man. Here I got you."
Roman rapped his arm around the mans waist and he could immediately feel how skinny he was. He walked him in his apartment and placed him on the sofa gently. The man hissed in pain. Roman went in his bathroom and got his huge first aid kit. "Your really messed up. What's the story?"
"Just a stupid fight."
Roman grabbed the disinfectant wipe and started to dab at his bleeding lip.
"Chill out man I'm just trying to help."
Roman raised the mans hair that covered a cut that was on his forehead. He wiped the blood off then threw the wipe away and he put a band aid on it. "Are you bleeding anywhere else?"
Roman stood up and went to get a towel from his closet. He grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt from his dresser and came back to the man. "Hear," he said as he threw the stuff at him, "you can shower and sleep here tonight."
"Thanks man."
Dean lifted himself carefully off the sofa. "Where's the bathroom?"
"You look like you need help anyways so come on, I'll show you."
Roman hesitantly wrapped an arm around the man and led him to the bathroom. They walked in and Roman sat him down on the toilet. He turned on the shower.
"Okay um do you need help with like your clothes?"
"Nah it's-" he stopped when he groaned in pain as he tried to lift his shirt over his head. He sighed in defeat.
"Yeah can you?"
Roman grabbed his shirt and gently pulled one arm out and then his head. He slid the shirt off his other arm and placed it on the counter. The man was skinny but he had muscles. There was a dark bruise on his ribs and a lot of scars on him. Roman tried not to stare.
"Okay well I'm gonna go. I know this is weird, you taking a shower in a strangers house and sleeping here. I'm Roman though."
The man nodded saying, "Dean."
Roman smiled a little and closed the bathroom door.

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