Chapter 5

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Dean woke up to complete silence. It was strange to hear, mostly because his wake up alarm is usually a slap to the face. He carefully got out of bed and looked at the time. It read 6:32 a.m. He sighed quickly going into his bathroom and showering. He brushed his teeth while drying his hair as much as he could.

Throwing on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, he grabbed his bag and tiptoed to the front door. He opened it slowly, closing it behind him. Dean walked down the hallway and out of the building. He sky was barely starting to show color as he started walking.

He took his time walking to school, in no rush at all. He tried to keep his mind busy thinking about anything but the pain returning in his side. "I should give his clothes back after work," Dean said out loud instead of in his head.

He got to the building, but was stopped by a particularly annoying person.
"Ah Mr. Ambrose. Early today? I hope you plan on having a good day. "
"Um yes sir Mr. McMahon. "
He squinted his eyes questioningly at him . Nodding his head in approval, Dean walked off to his first period.

The learning part of school he got easily, but his social life was a mess. He tried to make friends in the beginning but they would always end up hating him, so he gave up. Life was hard and school wasn't making it any better.

His first 4 classes flew by surprising easy, but of course at lunch he was confronted by Kevin.

"Hey Deano," Kevin said with an evil smile. He knocked the tray out of his hands and pushed him into a wall.
"Look Kevin, I really don't want to do this today. Or ever."

Kevin grabbed his hoodie,"And I really don't care Ambrose!" He punched Dean in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him. Dean fell to his knees. Kevin was about to kick him when Dean caught his foot and pulled him down.

People in the cafeteria were looking now. Dean tried to stand and get away, but Kevin grabbed one of his legs and pulled him back. They both got to their feet when Kevin threw a punch, getting Dean's mouth. He reacted fast, kicking him in the nuts, making Kevin cry out in pain.

Now teachers were coming and Dean booked it to door. He wasn't going to be suspended because of Kevin again.

He ran to the library. The only save place in the school from assholes. Ms. Arnold, the librarian, always smiled at him sweetly and asked if he was okay anyways.
"Hello Mr. Ambrose! It's good to see you. Are you alright sweetie?"
"Hello Mrs. Arnold. I'm fine thank you. Just looking for some books."
"Okay honey," she said a little skeptical.

Dean went to the back of the library and slid down the bookcase. He sighed, wiping his lip and seeing blood.
"Damn," he whispered to himself.

He hid there for the rest of the school day and when the bell rang he ran out the building and to the bakery. Dean's shift started in 30 minutes, but he knew Joey, one of the two owners, was okay with him starting early.

When Dean got there he saw Seth, Paige, and Aj sitting down at a table. He looked the other way trying not to stare, but he could feel Seth's glare. He went to the back and placed his book bag on a hook. Dean put his apron on and went over to Joey to help make cakes. His ribs were killing him, but he had worse. This was nothing to complain about.

About 2 hours later Dean could still here their giggling from the back. He didn't understand how they could still be here. The counter bell rang and he wiped his hands on his apron and walked to the front of the store.
"Hello, welcome to J&J's bakery how can I-" he stopped when he noticed Roman standing right in from of him. His hair was pulled back into a bun and he was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt that could make the straightest man drool just a little.
"H-hey Roman what are you doing here?"
"I'm getting some... Um some..." He trailed off as he saw Deans busted lip.
"...bread, what happened to your lip?"
" Oh uhhhh," and he was saved by Aj as she walked up to the counter.
"Hey Dean, Seth wants to talk to you," she said batting her lashes at Roman like she saw Prince Charming in the flesh. .
"Um," he looked up at Roman, " one moment."
Dean walked around the counter to them with Aj at his side, regretting every step he took that brought him closer to Seth.
" Dean, Dean, Dean, I'm surprised you haven't introduced me to your... friend." Roman was staring at Dean the whole time. He saw him tense up when the teen with blonde and black hair started talking.

"Seth, can you please just leave me and him alone," Dean pleaded.
"Of course Deanie!" Seth said smiling brightly. He stood up, Paige at his hip, threw money down and walked out.
Aj got out of her chair.
"Sorry Seth's a dick to you."
"If you know he his one, why do you hang out with him?"
"Paige is my friend and she is always by him, bye Dean." She pulled his shoulder down, stood on her tippy toes, and kissed his cheek. Aj ran out looking for Seth and Paige.

Dean touched his cheek. If he was straight he would probably fall for Aj like an idiot. Dean quickly picked up the money, trying not to hurt himself in the process. He turned back around and saw Roman still looking at him. He walked around the counter again.
"Friends of yours?"
"No, not really," Dean said honestly.
"Oh. Well to change the subject a little then bread is all I need," Roman said.
Dean got Roman his bread and as
Roman was paying Jamie, the other owner, walked in.
"Hey Dean. You can head home early I got this with Joey."
"Okay. Thanks Mr. Noble." Dean went to the back took off his apron. He grabbed his book bag and walked out the front door, saying bye to the two men.

Roman was leaning on the brick wall outside, waiting for him.
"Hey I was just wondering if you needed a ride or not?"
"Um... sure that would be great."
Roman walked over to a 1969 black Camaro with 2 white stripes on the hood of the car.
"Nice," Dean said.
"Thanks." Roman smiled.

They drove to the apartment complex in silence and when they got there Dean got out the car first.

Roman was pretty good at putting one and two together about Dean. He had a back pack, a group of teenagers knew him. He looked early twenties, but Roman suspected 18 or 17.

Surprising Roman just didn't care about the law when he thought of Dean. He knew absolutely nothing about him, but he wanted to know everything.

Dean walked into the building with Roman right behind him. They got to their doors quickly.
He turned around and looked a Roman.
Roman didn't know what to say. He wanted to talk to Dean more. He wanted to see him more. And he couldn't lie to himself that he wanted to feel him more.

Roman wanted to push his hands over Dean's body and explore him, even though they had only met a couple of days ago. He was confused about his feelings himself.

He walked up to Dean and pressed their bodies together closely. Wrapping an arm around his hips and placing a hand on his cheek, slightly touching his soft curls, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against his.

The gentle kiss only lasted for about a minute, before Roman pulled away enough to look at Dean's face.

Okay I normally don't do A/N's but I just really want to thank everyone that has read my book. I thought it would have absolutely no reads at all and be complete trash, but yay it's not! (Ish)

So thanks for reading it, putting it in your library, voting for it, commenting, or putting it in your reading list. All of that stuff I really appreciate.

I want to just say this chapter goes out to @Courtney2432 and @icantthinkofonegeesh because they asked for an update last chapter and it warms my lil heart when people do that! *wipes tear* (If you commented at all I loves you)
Thanks if you read all of this too.
Lol byyyyee

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