Chapter 7

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As Dean walked through his door quietly, he stood in the living room knowing his dad would want to 'talk' to him. He heard him say to Roman , "Stop talking to my son."
The door shuts and heavy boots hit the ground behind him.
"Why the fuck are you talking to the neighbors now huh?"
"I-I was just s-saying hi," Dean mumbled.
"Speak the hell up!"
"I was just saying hi!" he yelled and he knew he was gonna get it now. The last time he yelled at him he got a broken rib and fractured wrist. It just slipped out before Dean could think.
"Did you just fucking yell at me!?"
Dean didn't say anything.

All of a sudden he felt pain run through his body from his side. He got punched. Dean fell to the ground and tried to bundle himself up into a ball to try and protect himself, but that made his dad more mad.He started kicking Dean and stomping him repeatedly.

Rage burned in Braun's eyes. He looked like he wasn't going to stop until he killed Dean or just brought him near death.

Then a door in the back of the hallway opened and his step-mother, Kelly, stumbled out drunk. "Thank god he finally grew a pair and fuckin yelled at yer dumb ass," she said to Braun.

He stopped kicking Dean and slowing walked over to her. His glare was hard.
"Fuck you Kelly!"
"Fuck me! Fuck me!!!!!" she growled angrily, "I can't believe I actually married you!"

As they 'argued' Dean took that as a distraction to escape to his room. He crawled the short distance and closed the door softly. He wiped at his mouth and saw blood. Fuck.
He laid on the floor next to his bed.
It hurt to much to try and get up.

Kelly and Braun were still screaming at each other, but they'll eventually just start having sex in 20 minutes. They always end up sleeping together after fights.

The next morning Dean opened his eyes and felt like he had been hit like a truck. He decided to skip school, but he was gonna go to work. He needed more money so he couldn't take days off.

Dean knew his dad was out until 3 or 4 p.m. so he crawled up and went to his bathroom. He turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. He stripped out of his clothes slowly.
He got in and let the hot water cascade over his body. He saw his already purple ribs and black bruises forming and sighed. This wasn't the worst beating he's ever gotten, but this one sure as hell hurts. Dean really hoped Roman didn't hear it all and just ignored it, because of what his dad said to him last night.


As Braun closed the door to his house, Roman went to reach for his doorknob, but he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and it was Randy. Roman looked back at Deans door and as much as he wanted to stay he knew whatever Randy was calling about was an emergency. He was already ignoring his 50 texts.
Roman stepped outside and accepted the call.
     "What's wrong Randy?"
     "I'm stuck outside my apartment cause I lost my keys. Can you please come pick this lock."
       "Yeah. I'm coming."
He hung up the phone and got in his car, starting it, and driving off to Randy's house. Roman couldn't help being extremely worried about Dean. He had a bad feeling about the whole situation.

When he got to Randy's, he saw him sitting in front of his door. Roman went to his passenger side and opened up the compartment to grab his lock pick set. He closed his door and then went up to him.
    "How long have you been sitting out here?" Roman asked.
     "About an hour probably."
Roman sighed, helping him to his feet and kneeling to open the door. 2 minutes later Roman pushed the door open and let Randy walk in first.
   "Thanks Rome! I really appreciate it."
   "Yeah no problem."

Roman was about to walk out but Randy stopped him.
    "Stay. Have a drink with me."
Roman just really wanted to go and make sure Dean was okay.
    "Uh no I'm good."
    "Nonsense. We haven't hung out in ages. Please stay."
Roman sighed, "yeah alright."
Randy smiled and went to his fridge to get Roman that beer.

Three hours later Roman was watching jeopardy with a drunk Randy. He was yelling out the answers and getting everyone of them wrong. He slung his arm over Romans shoulder, smiling widely.
    "Randy I think I should go and you need to get to bed anyways."
     "Awwww noo! Romaaan."
Roman turned the tv off and helped the stumbling man walk to his room. He plopped Randy down and pulled the blanket over him.
    "Night Randy," Roman said.
    "You need to tuck me in!!"
Roman looked at the grown man like he was crazy. He was really asking to be tucked in.
     "I won't go to bed and probably keep calling you!"
Roman sighed dramatically and walked back over to Randy.
He tucked the man in and walked back over to the door.
    "Goodniiiight Romann."
Roman laughed at how crazy drunk Randy was and said again, "Goodnight Randy."

He walked out his house, not before locking the door from the inside. Roman got in his car and drove back to his apartment.

As he walked down the hallway he heard complete silence. It was different and almost alarming. Roman started to feel sick at the thought of something happening to Dean. 'He's alright,' Roman kept repeating in his head as he opened his door.

It was almost 3 a.m. so Roman fell on his bed and tried to fall asleep. But when you're worried it's impossible to go to sleep. He ended up passing out at 5 due to pure exhaustion.

When he woke up it was nearly 12:40. He sighed and walked to the bathroom. Roman brushed his teeth, took a quick shower, and his got clothes.

He was still really tired, but he grabbed his keys and walked out. He wanted to grab a cup of coffee and check up on Randy so he could give Dean time to get out of school.

Roman walked down the street and got his coffee. He texted Randy telling him he was coming. As he got in his car he looked at his phone.

Randy: I'm not home. Went to go see John and Cesaro.

Roman: Oh alright. How's that hangover treating you though.

Randy: Fuckin sucks

   Roman laughed and put his phone in his pocket. He got out his car and went back up stairs to his apartment. He opened his door, but before he could go in he saw Dean's door open and someone come out. Roman's eyes widened at what he saw.

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