Chapter 4

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Dean walked back to his door with a smile plastered on his face. He grabbed the door handle slowly, careful not to make too much noise. He doesn't want him to hear.
Dean sneaks past the living room and into his own room. He laid in his bed, covering himself in his only blanket that wasn't much of a blanket at all.
He gently put his hands on his bruised ribs and breathed in and out.
Dean lifted his shirt and smelt in. He forgot to give Roman back his clothes and take his with him. It smelled like him. Fresh laundry and a sweet smell that could only be described as Roman.

It has been so long since someone actually helped Dean out instead of hurting him. So many people have turned their backs on him. His best friend Seth, his ex Paige, but the one that hurt the most was his brother, Sami. He left Dean all alone with them, and he probably will never come back. He reached into his pocket where he had placed Romans number. Dean didn't own a phone though, but there was always the house phone. He wouldn't dare use it if he wasn't alone. He was saving up to buy a phone. Dean worked at a small bakery a couple miles away from his school. In 2 months he'd be 18, and in less than a year he was out of school. Dean has been waiting 17
years to break free from his life there. Roman being a friend could help make the last 8 months of senior year doable.

His thoughts were cut off by shuffling in the living room. He heard the sound of glasses being dragged and the television being turned on. He couldn't sneak out tonight. So Dean laid silently in his bed and tried not to move around a lot. He heard the front door open and talking.
Talking always lead to arguing and arguing lead to fighting. Sooner or later someone will probably report them and who knows what could happen then.

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