Chapter 9

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Dean woke up in Romans apartment, not realizing when he drifted off to sleep. He didn't think he was that tired to begin with. He sat up and looked around, taking in his surroundings. This was the first time he actually looked around Romans place. It was spotless. Everything seemed to have a place. The large TV in the center of the room flashed images of an unfamiliar show, but it had no sound. The coffee table in front of him held one remote. The table itself was spotless.
Dean then looked down at the couch he had been sleeping on. It was a coal colored suede material. As he observed the room more he saw no photos of family or friends around. Strange but maybe he didn't get to finish his unpacking he thought. His examination ended abruptly with Roman turning the corner.
His hair was slicked back in a bun and he was wearing a dark grey three-piece suit. Roman was in the middle of buttoning his vest, and throwing on his jacket as he came out.
"Where are you going?" Dean asked, staring at Romans shiny silver cufflinks.
"Well I have a job. It might not seem like it but I'm an important man," Roman said flashing a smile at the teen, "besides helping out at my friends cafe that is."
"Well 'important man' can you tell me the time? I have to go to work too."
"7 a.m. You slept all day."
"Well shit," Dean says, standing up quickly and looking around the living room for his shoes.
"I'll drive you," Roman said hold his dirty blue Vans up.
Dean walked to Roman and grabbed the shoes, sliding them on. He headed to his door as soon as he left Romans apartment. Tapping his pocket to search for his keys, he took them out, unlocking the door. Dean silently prayed no one to be home.
"Wait here," Dean demanded. He didn't want Roman to see the chaos of his "home".
He slipped in and quietly ran to his room, ignoring the broken beer bottles on the ground. He grabbed his folded black work shirt. The white letters on the back reading J&J Best Bakery in Town. His own name on the front left corner. He threw off his sweater and put the shirt on. Leaving the room and apartment quickly, he locked the door and Roman led them out of the building.
They got into his car and Roman pulled out of his parking spot. Both men sat in silence for a few moments until Dean spoke.
"So Roman what do you do?"
"I work in a boring office job in the city. Mostly paper work and numbers, but nothing too important."
"Important man isn't that important?" Dean said smiling slightly.
"What can I say, I talk a big game when all I am is just a bench warmer," Roman said, chuckling and returning the smile.
Roman pulled up to the bakery and stopped, finally looking at Dean.
"Thanks for the ride," Dean said quietly.
Dean hesitated, expecting something more from the older man, but kept moving out of the car feeling foolish. 'One kiss doesn't mean anything' he said too himself. Roman was feeling as foolish as Dean, regretting not making the first move again. Maybe it was for the better. The age difference was dangerous, Roman thought sadly.
Dean stepped out of the car and closed the door walking towards the bakery. He shook his head with disappointment. Roman quickly stepped out of his car and walked towards Dean, grabbing his arm. He turned around startled.
"Um- Do- Do you need a ride after work?" Roman said.
"I think I can manage, thank you Roman," Dean said, looking up to his eyes.
Romans hand lingered on his arm for a little longer before letting go and standing awkwardly next to him. Dean took his chance and planted a kiss on Romans lips quickly, walking away immediately after. Roman smiled   watching the teen speeding off and went back to his car feeling much too embarrassed for a man his age and laughed. He pulled off towards the city as Dean walked into his happy place, greeting Jamie and Joey. Keeping his mind off school, home, or anything negative, Dean washed his hands, preparing to make the afternoon bread while Joey and Jamie made separate cake orders, chatting to one another.
    It had been so long since Dean felt a hint of happiness and he was so excited, but started to worry. Something always ruins his happiness. Something or someone...

Oh hello. Hahaaaa been a few years. Oops. I hope you guys can forgive me for the wait and I really plan on updating more now. Sorry :p
Love¡ X

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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