Chapter 2 - Missions, Mornings, and Mysteries

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There was one long definition for one specific shinobi in Konoha. It was the number one most hyperactive, knucklehead ninja of the village. Not only that, but unpredictable as well. You could always find him either training or eating at his favorite ramen shop, Ichiraku’s.  So it wasn’t all that surprising when Sakura and Sai showed up at said ramen shop to gather their teammate for a meeting with their Hokage on yesterday‘s late events. As usual, stacks of empty ramen bowls were sitting next to him.

“What? Right this second? But I’m not done yet!” Naruto whined in between slurps of his current bowl.

“If you eat too much, then I’ll have to give you a new nickname.” Sai smiled.

“Oh yeah?! And what name would you have in mind?!” Naruto flared angrily.

Sai paused for a moment, the smile never leaving his face. “Fat ass.”

“Why you!” Sakura had to hold back Naruto as he tried to lunge at Sai. His ability to give someone a nickname was still very shaky. The only success he had up to date, was the one he had given Ino, much to Sakura’s anger.

“Naruto stop! And you!” She then pointed to Sai. She really had it with their antics. Why was Sai trying to get Naruto riled up any way? Did he forget what they were sent for?

“Calm down, Forehead. I was just joking.” A smile was still plastered on the young artist’s face. He figured that he should try using the nickname someone else had already given her and see if that might work.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?“ Now it was Sakura’s turn to be held back from trying to kill said artist.

In a matter of seconds, not only did Sakura almost level the ramen shop, much to Naruto’s panic and dismay, but she managed to take down more than half of the wooden fence stationed across from the shop after having sent Sai through it.


All four stood in front of the desk that Lady Tsunade sat behind. Both Naruto and Sai wore heavy bruises.

 Kakashi turned his head away with his hands in his pockets and gave a sigh. “Oh boy. Looks like the day has already started off on a bad note.”

It was now the morning after yesterday’s strange attack, if you could call it that, that is. Judging by the angered look on Tsunade’s face, and the heavy air in the atmosphere, something was up…something that seemed bad.

“Listen up. I wasn’t entirely certain before, but yesterday’s event is related to several other locations that have been hit by a strange ‘explosion‘ in the past. However, it appears that our village was the first to experience this within such close range. ”

“So what’s that mean?” Naruto’s eyes held a serious look.

“It means that whoever is doing this, has had experience in whatever justu it is that‘s been causing such strange events. The last known report of such an occurrence happened less than six years ago near the Land of Lightning to the east. A whole mountaintop went missing. It had been one of the ones that many travelers and locals in that area often used as a land marker.”

“You said there were other locations that had experienced this. What were the other targeted areas?” Sai inquired.

“A small island in the Land of Waves, a few hot springs in the Land of Hot Water, and several sections of prairie lands belonging to Grass. Never before has anything happened within the walls of a village, until now that is.”

“It kinda sounds like your Mangekyo, sensei. Isn’t it able to make things disappear into a different space?” Sakura asked.

“It can send things into another dimension, yes,  but nothing of the magnitude that has just been described. My precision with it is good, but not as good as whoever is doing this. Leaving clean cuts in the surface area of the objects I displace in space is something that I just can’t do, even with all of the experience I have with it. It might however, be done by someone born into the ability unlike myself.”

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