Chapter 7 - Breakfast and A Favor

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Sam gave a light sigh as she groggily opened her eyes to the blinding rays of sunlight that came flooding into her room. She gave a small irritated growl; she forgot to turn the blinds down yesterday. Yes, yesterday…

Sam shot up out of bed faster than a rocket, causing Saix, who had climbed into her bed sometime during the night, to give a groan in discontent.

“Oh my god! Saix, I didn’t dream all of that, right?” Sam looked down to her canine companion and his only reply was a mixed yawning-sigh.

Sam rolled her eyes, “Some help you are.” She then quietly got up out of bed and exited her room, leaving her furred friend to continue to sleep in. She couldn’t blame him though, it was the weekend now, so her shift at Ryu’s didn’t start until later in the morning. No reason to be up at the crack of dawn this time around.

Down the short hallway she crept until she reached her living room and low and behold, there they were; all four of them. Naruto was stretched out across most of the floor with his blanket tangled around his body and a small stream of drool flowing from the corner of his mouth. In the next sleeping roll over, was Sai. He was a lot more controlled in his sleep as opposed to Naruto. On the smallest couch that was parallel with the triple frame windows slept Sakura. Her small form was curled up in almost a ball and her short, oddly colored hair fell across her patched face, which Sam had helped her to tend to before they had all gone to bed last night.

Lastly, was Kakashi. He took up the larger couch that was stationed in front of her flat screen television. He was actually longer than the couch itself, so his feet were dangling over the arm of the couch where they were situated at. His green vest had been removed and was hanging over the head of the couch for easy reach.

Sam gave a small sigh as she ran her hand through her messy locks. It hadn’t been a dream after all; they were actually here, sleeping in her living room. The upstairs bedrooms had all been a wreck, and so, she had them spend the night downstairs.

“I can’t believe I let a bunch of strangers spend the night, let alone step foot in my home.” Sam mumbled to herself as she tip-toed passed the sleeping bunch and into the kitchen to start up some breakfast.

As she began making breakfast, her mind went back to yesterday and wondered what exactly possessed her to offer her home to them…

“Great.” She had groaned after all four had nodded ‘yes’ to her question as to their money problem and lack of a safe place to say.

She looked between all four of them and took in their tattered and tired appearance for the second time, before her eyes stopped on Sakura and her now bruising cheek. She inwardly groaned in defeat. She would not allow them, especially the girl to spend the night without the proper shelter and protection. What if they got into a fight again and one of them came out of it with more than a bruised face. She wouldn’t allow kids their age to be out running amuck in the streets, not like she had once done before in the past. But back then, she had had a choice, and these kids and their ‘teacher‘- probably their only guardian for the time-being- did not.

Sam sighed and decided do go against her better judgment, which rarely she ever did. “I guess you four will have to stay the night at my place then. Sleeping outside is a bad idea out here and you might find yourselves in trouble. Wait here while I change and we’ll go.”

Kakashi smiled, or what Sam thought was a smile; that strange mask of his. “Thanks Samantha, we really appreciate it.”

“Yeah and I hope I don’t regret it. Just remember, I’ll call the police on you if I think you guys are out to get me, and Saix here will rip you to shreds if he thinks any one of you will hurt me.” Upon that last mention, Saix sat up from his position and gave a low growl to enforce Sam‘s warning, before sauntering after Sam to guard her while she changed.

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