Chapter 3 - Sun and Moon

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Tsunade sat as patiently as she could in her chair. She was leaned over with her elbows on the desk, her fingers crossed, and her chin resting on them. Her eyes continued to scan over the four folders, each filled with what little known information there was about the ‘explosions’ and disappearances of landscapes.

According to all reports, witnesses were never close enough to I.D. the person or persons responsible. The average time between each report decreased, leading to the idea that perhaps the person needed time to recover and was increasing their chakra and strength to perform whatever technique it was that was being used more often. However, the very first report dated back fifty years ago. The one responsible now couldn’t be the same one back then, could it? Even if they were that old, how could they be able to do what they were doing?

She continued to think that perhaps Madara Uchiha had been responsible for the previous reports, but he was dead now so he wouldn’t be able to account for this attack on her village. Maybe Sasuke really did have something to do with this. He had been after all working for Madara and given his abilities, Sasuke could have easily been taught the technique used before Madara’s death. The possibility was there, but that didn’t necessarily mean that that was the only one.

It kinda sounds like your Mangekyo, sensei. Isn’t it able to make things disappear into a different space?” 

“It can send things into another dimension, yes,  but nothing of the magnitude that has just been described…It might however, be done by someone born into the ability unlike myself.”

“Born into the ability…” Tsunade bit her thumb as she scoured her mind for anyone other than an Uchiha that might have been able to perform some kind of jutsu that produced the results that she and the others had witnessed.

“Lady Tsunade, your tea.” Shizune spoke as she set the cup down and backed away while hugging the tray she had brought the cup on close to her chest.

Tsunade snapped out of her thoughts. “Right, thanks Shizune.” She reached out to grab her cup, when it suddenly cracked down the side, causing her to take a small sharp breath and look down at her cup with an uneasy feeling.


 “A cliff?! You led us to a cliff?!” Naruto wailed before he was smacked on the head by Sakura’s angry fist.

“Shut up Naruto! Do you want everyone, including the enemy, in a five mile radius to know that we’re here?!” Again Sakura smacked Naruto over the head. “Be quiet!”

“And there goes our element of surprise.” Kakashi sarcastically sighed as he continued to see Sakura scold her teammate in a rough manner.

“Then we must find the enemy fast! Come on Lee, I think a fast sweep of the area is what we need. We don’t want our adversaries to get away from us.” Guy readied himself to dart off with his twin.

“Hold on. This is where the chakra distortion is coming from, I’m sure of it.” Kakashi announced as he looked around with his sharingan, only to still find the distortion coming from in front of him and the combined teams.

He then formed a hand sign. “Release.” Nothing.

“I’ll take another look around just in case.” Neji announced before his eyes began their search again.

As he was doing so, Naruto was still found to be at Sakura’s mercy. “I said I was sorry Sakura-chan. I’m shutting up now, see?” Naruto put a hand over his mouth.

“I mean it Naruto. No more yelling for everyone to hear.”

Naruto couldn’t help but open his big mouth. “Well it’s not like I was the only one yelling.”

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