Chapter 16 - Search:The Two Sides Clash!

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A/N: Ello everyone! Yet another apology made for the length of time from the last update for this story. BB kinda has been taking up most of my time (when work isn't -_-') So how shall I say...I got lost on the road of life?? Ehehe, sorry ^^;;;  Anyway, hope this update pleases everyone and if not, then I guess I tried lol :P

Um, little note: Boston is just a setting, I am not meaning to reflect any possible stereotypes or 'issues' that may or may not be a real. It's fiction people, so please know and understand that :)

Also, apologies if this chapter gets a bit 'jumpy' towards the end as numerous things are happening all at once (you'll see soon).

Thanks everyone for reading, fanning, voting, and being awesome! :D You all are great! ^^


The searching group was driving down the road, passing by the many street lights as they continued on with their search; and so far, after several destinations, they had not turned up a single clue or sighting of neither Xanders nor Sam.

“This place is just too big!” Naruto groaned in irritation, “It’s been hours and still nothing…” he frowned, disappointed.

Kakashi leaned forward, placing a hand on the back Ryu’s chair as he did so, “What about his company’s base of operations?”

“Xavier rarely goes to his docks, with the exceptions of inspection days.” Corey replied, “He might be home now, given how late it is now—about half past eleven.” He glanced down at the radio’s clock.

Naruto nearly shot up out of his seat, “Why didn’t we go there in the first place?”

“It’s not that simple.” Corey began as they continued to drive, “He’s got his house wired with cameras and he also has hired security…including police.”

There was a collective widening of eyes from the shinobi as soon as they heard that last piece of information.

“Hey, wait a minute Officer Daniel,” Sakura said, “How does a man like Xanders have police on his side? Aren’t the police the ones after him in the first place?”

“We don’t have any evidence on him for his involvement with Red Bands, and so don’t have the right to pursue him without cause. The people that do work for him, we already suspect are paid off…to be quite honest with you all about this city’s police force—we’re a bit wary of our own people and there isn’t much we can do until we weed out the moles.”

“Why do you work under such an occupation then?” Naruto asked.

“I wanna change everything; bring back order and get the streets cleaned up…though things haven’t quite turned out how I’ve wanted, even after so many years.”

Sakura smiled lightly, “Is that a dream of yours, Officer Daniel?”

Corey let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, I guess you can call it that.”

“Well this is your chance then!” Naruto held up a fist, “We find Sam, and you get you’re evidence to take Xanders down!”

“It more than just Xanders…I want to lower the crime rate as much as I possibly can—erasing it would be the most preferred really. Taking down Xanders would be a very big step to achieving that…but a vigilante group like this one we’ve got going, isn’t the way to do it. It’s labeled as being wrong. ”

“Where we’re from, people taking a stand against the bad guys isn’t wrong! We fight hard for what we believe in.”

“Rules are different here, Naruto, but…”Corey smiled as he made a turn, heading in the direction of Xavier’s home, “me being here with you all now I guess makes me one of those types of fighters. So, to Xavier Xanders’s home!”

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