Chapter 14 - Connections

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! November was crazy busy and all. Just getting over being sick too. Thanks to my medications, I was unconcious for most of the weekend ^^; But Wahaha! I've got it done! XD I ran over this real quick , so there may possibly be some errors so please don't hate me! D'x Ahem, the video to the side was something that I listened to often whule working on this chapter, just fast forward it to the 20 second mark to get the video started.

Oh! and I'm not sure if many know this, but I am not all that great with a computer or dealing with the many features and such of Microsoft programs, sooo with that said ( so you are prepared with how uch of a dummy I can be) I finally figured out how to do this! —  I was always just using this  -  since I couldn't figure it out before Ahehe ^^;

Okay so I'll move on now to thank all of my fans and readers! You all are great! Thank you so so so SO much! ^^ A special thanks to WR from Quizilla (one of my old friends from over there) for talking with me about a few things that I was/am needing advice on. Also thanks to RedRose777 for helping me with a title for this chapter! :D

Oh, and don't tell me that you didn't see that coming :P You'll see ^^


Sam let out a yawn, and Saix followed suit with his own. Her hair was a complete mess, and her eyes were droopy with dark bags visible under them as well. Saix was lucky; he didn’t have to worry about his appearance that morning, or ever, really. What a simple and carefree life a dog had and Sam was feeling very envious of him at that moment.

“Sam, are you sure you’re alright? You aren’t coming down with something, are you?” Sakura asked for the hundredth time since she and the others came into the kitchen to find Sam sitting at the table staring into a bowl of cereal with a tired and dazed expression. She even seemed to sway every now and then as if she would fall asleep face down in her bowl of cereal at any given moment.

“Yeah, just peachy.” The tired woman replied groggily.

“Did ya stay up all night or something?” Naruto asked.

Sai put a finger under his chin in thought, “Perhaps it’s her time of the month?”

“Uh, Sai…?” Kakashi smiled nervously when he saw both Sam and Sakura twitch in anger of Sai’s deduction, and Saix, being very in-tune with his master, sat up and let out a low growl.

“No?” Sai turned to face Kakashi, “Perhaps she is older than she stated and really, she is hitting the menopausal state of-”







Both women growled in continued anger as both left to go about their usual morning routines of cleaning up and getting ready for the day. Saix trotted to follow Sam; pausing to turn back to look at the damage left behind, before giving a snort and quickly totting to catch up to Samantha.

Naruto and Kakashi were frozen with looks of surprise and fear of what just happened. Sai was laid out on the floor, face down in a puddle of milk and cereal, with the shattered cereal bowl scattered all around him. He let out a small groan and turned his face so he wouldn’t drown in the milk. An angry red circle was seen on his face where the cereal bowl had made contact after Sam had sent it sailing his way. He also sported two knots on the top and back of his head where both Sakura and Sam had smacked him. Then there were the shredded pant legs and shirt sleeves that Saix had viciously demolished. He thanked the heavens that his clothing was the only thing to have suffered from the Doberman’s canines.

Dimensional Love (Naruto Series Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora