s e v e n | i n c a s s u m |

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in vain. 

In the previous chapter when Helen followed Gilbert she was led to a hall, there she met a girl that had amber eyes and an eye patch on the left. Who is this person? The the story unfolds.


"You disobeyed me again eve." He said running his fingers to her hair. A cold laugh broke through the silent.

"I never intended to obey from the start Carroll." She said and took a seat right next to him. She slumped and crossed her legs and gave him a mocking look.

His eyebrows twitches as he saw her smirked. Oh dear! I want to strangle her so much. He thought.

"Not to worry Carroll, I too want to do it"

The night pass and morning came. All students were worn out because of the masquerade ball yet, class will start without excuse.

Fixing her crooked ribbon and muttering curses Helen made her way towards her first class. Which is Historia.

A complicated subject.

She opened the door and saw most of the students chattering but stop when they saw her. Awkward. But still she smiled and took a seat near the window. She felt stares coming from everyone she sighed in annoyance.

"Lady Helen, can I sit next to you?" Oz ask.

Helen looked surprise at the sudden arrival of oz. "Yes you may"

Oz gave a boyish smile and took a seat next to her. His brown locks was neatly brush. Lady Chedi will surely kill me if she knows I sit beside lady Helen.

"Won't Chedi be angry?"

Oz was surprise when Helen asked the same question he thought. Peculiar indeed.

"Nope" popping the letter p. "If she won't know, lady"

"Very well"

Soon minutes pass, the same Valkyrie that escorted Helen, walks through the room holding a book and a whip. She cough a little to get the attention of the students. "I'll skip the pleasantries. I've got two rules in my class, and that is" she paused for a moment leaving a dramatic effect. "Speak when needed. And be quiet when I say so!" She lashed the whip on her desk. Oh boy.

"Open your text book on page XV. I suppose each of you knows about the great war that happened centuries ago, wiping out the weak clans that existed. Can you Ozpin name the clans that were whipped out?"

Helen took a glance at Oz who rise in his seat without hesitation.

"The Yuki clan which composed with people who had the affinity of Ice.

The Herald clan who had the gift of words.

The Oraine clan who had the ability to see the future.

The Stronghold Clan who has strength of a titan."

Oz sit down and smiled at Helen who was surprise and look away immediately. The Valkyrie smiled with satisfaction on her face.

"Your well taught of the clans that had fallen. But can anybody tell me the name of the clan that cease to exist?"

"Khronus Famigla" Helen bluntly said.

"Right, in terms of power the Khronus Famigla had the upperhand. Why? Time is on their side."

"The Khronus could control time with their will, especially the Dominica who had limitless magik. She was considered as a Savior and the Downfall of all the other clans but none she took sides just like the neutral. After the kings had took their life the Dominica vanished with her people without a trace."

"What happened to them?" One of the student asked. Who had long black hair and blue eyes filled with curiosity.

"Nobody knows. Right now that land is called The Red Territory. No one dares to venture on that land cause he or she will cease to exist."

"How do you know that?" Helen asked who had her attention caught. The Valkyrie mischievously smiled at her direction.

"You will know if a Red spider lily suddenly grows on your garden."


"In the language of flowers The red spider lily means abandonment , lost memory or never to meet again, and what's interesting is the flower will disappear without anyone noticing."

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