t h i r t y - t w o

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After class, Helen went immediately towards the library earning her a suspicious looked from Julien.

"Where do you think she's going?" He asked Vincent who was seated beside him. Vincent furrowed his brows and shot daggers towards Julien.

Kaleb chuckles as he watch her cousin being eaten up by jealousy. "Don't mind him prince Julien."

"Never." He Julien replied.

Running her hands on the spine of the books that was collecting dust. Helen beamed as she found what she was looking for. She indistinctly grab the Curses throughout the ages and called out Drake who smiled in return.

She took a seat facing Drake who raised his eyebrows in amusements.

"I never thought that the Heavenly princess loved curses?" He teased.

Helen looked at the title and groan mentally. Good job Helen. She said to herself.

"I just wanted to learn new things." She reason.

"So I have notice." He chuckle.

Helen instantly felt butterflies in her stomach as her heart thump faster and louder.

Crappy update. I'm sorry.

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