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foolish, a fool.

The wind outside howls like a screaming banshee. The lightning drew zigzag on the dark sky as rain started to fall.

The classroom on the Northern building was slightly dim, and limited. Kaya walk back and forth making her aide Adelfa dizzy not to mentioned terribly annoyed.

"Kaya, if you were just some student I'll probably pick up my shoe and throw it at you" She snarled.

"If you throw a shoe at me, I'll tell daddy to destroy your family" Kaya retorted meeting Adelfa cold gaze. Adelfa rolled her eyes at Kaya who started to walk again.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing a long, thin, and dark shadow. Its face was not visible to Kaya nor Adelfa even though they were the creatures of the night.

Adelfa instantly rush towards her master and her fangs started to get visible while her eyes turned bright red. Kaya too.

The shadow raise its arms and something shiny blinded both of the girls. Adelfa felt a cold hard steel on her abdomen as she started to cough blood. The shadow yank his claws and gave another strike to the heart.

Kaya gasped and attacked the opponent with her might. Unforgivable! As her vision got blurry because of the tears that she need to fight back. She couldn't be vulnerable at a time like this, she need to act and be tough at a time like this.

As Adlefa closed her eyes she summoned every last bit of energy she had and transport Kaya to a safe place. She smiled at her master who was calling out her name repeatedly.

Adelfa needed to do it. She knew that she and Kaya were like flies and can be eliminated. If she let Kaya fought, she throwing her life would be useless.

As she drew her last breath Kaya was safely trandported at Gilbert side.

"Foolish kid" the shadow said. "You, who throw your life to her was already useless by the time you swore to be with her."

The shadow vanished and left the cold, lifeless body of Adelfa who was smiling.

A/N: another tragic death. Wish I have made her a lot sooner. She seems like a promising vampire. Anyway Gilbert seem to disappear this days so Next chapter will focus on Gilbert, with the peculiar Eve and Carroll with the cheeky Vincent.

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