t e n | c a v e o c a v i c a u t u m |

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beware, avoid.

Vincent couldn't understand if Eve was playing tricks or if the paper is blank. Carroll smiled at him and told him to sniff the paper. Monkshood Flower.

"Two weeks have passed and already made such a dangerous opponent." Carroll said in full seriousness.

"Monkshood flower is known as the Queen of all poison, woman's bane or the devil's helmet. Quite a title. Ne?" He paused and look at Vincent "if my memory is right. Eve told me in the language of flower Monkshood means A Deadly Foe is Near."

Vincent stared wide eye at the boy that smiled like death. Carroll who was a ball of sunshine a while ago.

"Thus we should consider if the letter was threat or a warning"


Gil instantly run without looking back knowing that voice belongs to Kaya. A daughter of a Vampire noble in the domain. Kaya was beautiful and that's the reason why Gil doesn't like her. Let's just say he got tired of the beauty that the Domain gives off.

Just as he approach a corner a foot stuck out making him trip. Laura however feels proud for making the Prince fell on his face.


Pak! A loud sound was made by Laura's knuckles contracting with Gilbert's head. Nerves were visible on her face.

"A Prince shouldn't say 'owwie'. You'll be killed if you do that!"

Gilbert got up and patted laura head.

"Nope!" Popping the word P. "I will not certainly be killed"

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because your here Laura" he gave her a boyish smile and kissed her on her forehead before running away when he saw Kaya from the distance!

She clenched her fist and look towards the running Gilbert. The wind softly blew her hair, and took steps running after Gilbert.

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