Act four: The Great Storm, Part 1

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"A dog? Did you just call me a dog?" At this point Taehyung was beyond rage and if until now he was a good, just joking around guy, he for sure was not that same person anymore. His eyes going from the calm, human colour to that animalistic dark and wild, bloody red just in a second.

"Stupid pup," told Jungkook. "Provoking me like that in the middle of the day, in an ordinary Cafe where everyone could see? Stupid indeed." He turns his look to Jimin, who was now sitting aside, pale as a sheet.

The few humans at one corner of the Cafe took their stuff and leave as soon as Jungkook voice goes above the whisper note.

"I'm not going to rip his throat, Jimin, so calm yourself down, but you should leave," said Jungkook to the boy who was probably older than him, but appear much younger in his actions. "I don't shit where I eat if you know what I mean. Your friend just scared the clients and this is making me very unhappy. It is not good for the business."

The vampire stood ready to pull his arm out of the wolf's grip when suddenly outside the daylight disappear. Even with his supernatural's vision, Jungkook was not able to see the sign of the store opposite the Cafe. This wasn't good.

"Did you do that?" Taehyung said and immediately release the other's wrist.

"Don't be stupid. Of course that wasn't me. And your voice low, there are no deaf people around here." Jungkook replied, his eyes still trying to see anything through the abyss outside.

"This is not good," chanted Jimin. "What is happening? Do you know what is this?" he did ask Jungkook, eyes pleading for some answers.

"Honestly, I have no idea," the boy replied. "But I do not like it. Not at all. It is like this day will never end."

Right at this moment the door opened wide with a bang and two guys, whose faces were hidden by masks got into the shop with unconscious Namjoon in between their arms. The darkness was going thicker and thicker and to Jungkook it was like they practically appeared from the absolute nothing.

"Close the door, Jungkook! You there, the red haired guy, make some space for the boys," the voice of his boss was loud and clear even with the three boys talking at the same time, asking questions to the newcomers.

Jungkook was already on his way to the door when he heard some strange noises from outside. There were some falling and some bins being pushed to the street, and other sound more like a stray cats fighting. He was pushing the door trying to overpower the strong wind outside, when Min Yoongi looking like a mad man with wild hair and some scratches on his face and body succeed to go through the tiniest gap and go strait to where Namjoon was lying now. Jungkook finally closed the door and turn around to see the ultimate chaose that humans and supernaturals was currently creating.

"O.K. Everyone shut the fuck up!" His boss screamed high enough for all to stop talking or moving.

This was the man Jungkook liked so much. That same guy who made him stay here for the last three years. It was a shame that the this person appeared in front of others so often. Jungkook smiles and moves to the counter to make some tea for the few inside so they could calm down a little bit.

"Fine, now please step aside and let Yoongi here to make some check ups on his friend and see if he is ok. Jungkook will give some tea any minute now, right Kookie? It is good for your nerves. Beside there is a rule here for no alcohol, so don't even started asking for one." his boss said, acting like a real leader of the pack.

But actually it was enough to calm them down and they did sit on a table near the injured boy, chatting with each other. Jungkook serve them the promised tea and go to see how was Namjoon hyung doing. After a couple of minutes sitting still and looking at Yoongi and the medical check up, he turns around and said.

"So, what is going on here, except the lovely part where we actually do have hunters back in town."

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