Chapter 3 The vision

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She dipped her smooth cold feet in the water.  She was washing her black wavy hair while thinking of the man in the laundry room.  ( radio)

" oo nana whats my name." Arianna sang. 

She turned off the water and wrapped her body inside of the towel.   She walked out of the bathroom and saw the man she saw earlier.   He was standing next to Shaniqua.

" Oh my gosh what are you doing here its 8:15 you should be here in 15 more minutes."  Said Arianna confused.

 " Yea I know I decided to come a little earlier.   O ya this is my brothers friend Kevin.  He decided to come with us." Said Shaniqua.

" Um I believe I saw you in the laundry room." said Kevin. 

 Arianna swallowed hard.   She  really didnt like the guy.

" Well im gonna get dressed ok." Arianna went in her room and got dressed. 

When she came out they were gone.  She walked around and  suddenly Kevin frightened her.

" O crap, wheres Shaniqua?"

" Shes in the other room talking to your Sister." Kevin replied. 

" Mom, ah thats my mom." She said rudely.

They walked into the other room and saw her mom and Shaniqua talking.

" O you are so funny Gloria." Laughed Shaniqua. 

" So where is your brother? "

"Ah... he is in the car."  Shaniqua answered. 

They left and walked to the car. ( loud music playing in the car) They went inside the car.  Shaniqua and Arianna sat in the back and kevin and her brother sat in the front. They drove to the club there was silence for about a minute. Nobody talked that much for the drive there. 

" So its just your mom and you living there in the apartment?"  Asked Kevin.

" Yea."   Responded Arianna. 

They arrived at the club.  There was loud music, people outside smoking, even fighting.  Arianna didnt feel comfortable. 

 " You okay you look a little scared." Said  Shaniqua.

" Oh no its just that  I havent been here in 2 years." 

They all walked inside of the club. ( music playing loudly)

" lets get some drinks." Said shaniqua.

Shaniqua grabbed Ariannas hand.  They sat down looking in the menu.

" I' ll have a orange margarita. " Said shaniqua.

" And I' ll have a  tropical Smurnoff ."  Said Arrianna. 

They sat there until a good song came on that they could rock their body to.  Arianna was drinking her drink when she suddenly had a weird vision.

(Vision) Arrianna was running in the bar.  She had blood all over her . She was holding a knife and slamed the door open.  

( Breathing heavy)  " Where are you Arianna? I know your here some where".  Said Kevin.

"Get away from me Ahhhh."  She yellled.

Her vision was over and Shaniqua was looking at her like if she was crazy. 

" Girl are you ok, cause you dont look like it." Said Shaniqua curiously. 

Arianna was breathing heavely and asked for another drink.  She took a sip of her drink and got up and went to the bathroom. There was women arguing inside.   She went to the stall and sat on the toiliet.

(Im going crazy ) she said in her head. 

She flushed the toilet and went back out.  She stood there and took a good look at everyone.

" Hey want to dance?" Asked Kevin.

She looked at him trying to remember if she heard his voice before in the vision.

  " Um yea ok." She forgot about what she was thinkin and danced.

She danced with him and felt awkward.  Shaniqua was filling up a soda bottle with vodka and sprite.

" Here take this drink.  You look thirsty." Said shaniqua.

Arianna took a sip of it. " Its strong". she said. 

" Well Yea its sprite and vodka."

Arrianna didnt drink as much as Shaniqua.  Shaniqua gave her some more vodka. Arianna got way too drunk.  She danced like if she never danced before and Kevin was liking it. 

The club was closing.  They left and not in the car.  Shaniqua wasnt as drunk as Arrianna, so she sat in the front with her brother.   Arianna and kevin was in the back.  Arianna was so drunk that she started to kiss Kevin. Shaniqua's brother Justin turned up the music really loud. Shaniqua and justin were hollering, having a good time.  Kevin grasped on to Arianna's back trying to pull her shirt off.

" Stop". Said Arianna calmly. 

Kevin ignored her and continued.

" Stop not too far ok."  She said looking in his eyes.

They arrived at Arianna house.  Justin and Kevin dropped off Arrianna and Shaniqua.

" Byeee."  They both yelled.

The car drove off and Arianna and Shaniqua went inside quickly passed out.

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