chapter 7 The Club

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It was probably passed Midnight and the girls were tired. They heard talking the whole time they were trapped in their closets. Arianne was thinking of where her mother was and Shaniqua and Cassandra.  

" Throw her in their she'll be at the club with the rest of them." Said Jonathan. 

A man with a black and Yankee hat had brought Cassandra in the closet. He didn't push her or kick her he just placed her respectfully in the closet.  

" Where is my mom what did you with her tell me now." Arianne said with a hard pain in her chest. She started to cry and the guy named as Corry came up to her. He kneeled down to her and rubbed her head.  

He left the room and Gloria had arrived.  

" Mom where were you ? I missed you so much, what did they do to you, did they hurt you? Said Arianne. 

" No I'm fine but listen I'm worried about us they are going to bring us to some club and then their going to force us to dance." Gloria touched Arianne hair and tears came out. Cassandra said that they were probably going to a club and they would make us dance for them.  

The girls had fell asleep and woke up in a room that had a mirror and closet filled with clothes. Their was music playing and the ground was shaking.  

Jonathan came in and had a look on his face that wasn't good.  

" O my god what's going on where are we?  

" Well you my lady are at the club where you are going to dance for my friends I have in the audience and if you don't dance I wont be getting paid and you'll be getting cut." Said Jonathan  

" We aren't dancing for nobody and that's final." Said Cassandra.  

Jonathan didn't talk for about a minute he picked up his shirt and took out a gun. The girls were quiet and all gasped. Cassandra backed up trying to get away or find something to block her self. Jonathan aimed the gun at Cassandra and shot her in the chest. All the girls screamed and ducked behind the beds that were in the room. They started crying. Jonathan was mad and gave the gun to his partner.  

" I hate shooting and I hate killing. I love you guys and I want the best for you, okay so get dressed because show time is in 10 minutes."

Cassandra's body laid on the floor bleeding and staining the rug.  

" I can't do this mom we have to find a way out of here. First we have to find Shaniqua and get our butts out of here." Said Arianne.  

Her and her mother got dressed and waited for Jonathans' signal to come to the audience.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2011 ⏰

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