chapter 4. " The Run Off."

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Arianna woke up at a time that a hung over person would wake up at. She looked at her clock and rushed out of bed. She grabbed some clothes on and took her brush. She left out the door and drove to Massachusetts Mall where her job was. She ran in the store.

" Ah im sorry im late, I went out and ran into some trouble last night." Arrianna said with deep heavy breaths.

" Well your 15 minutes late for your first time here.   I'll give you one chance." Said Jessica one of the workers.

Arianna went in to the lounge and put her stuff away. She worked for 5 hours and was very tired. When it was the end of her shift she kept thinking of how Shaniqua hasnt even called to see where she was. Arianna placed the hangers down and went into the lounge. She took her cellphone out of her purse,then dialed her number.

( phone ringing) There was no answer just a voice message. So Arianna left a mesage. ( lady talking on phone) IM SORRY BUT THE PERSON YOU ARE TRYING TO REACH IS NOT AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE TONE- BEEP

" Hey this is Arrianna um im sorry that i just left on you like that um i was late for work. Well when you get this mesaage please call me, bye."  Arrianna put the phone away and grabbed her stuff she checked out and was walking around the mall when she bumped in to Kevin. 

" Oh hey, hi Kevin."  said Arianna embarssed by what had happenn yesterday.

" Oh hey whats going on?"   Said Kevin.

" Oh nothing just got out of work why? "

"Oh I was wondering if I could take you on a real date. Im sorry about yesterday." Said Kevin hoping his plan would work.

Arianna thought for 5 seconds and finally made a decision. " Um yea i guess im free tonight. ."

Kevin agreed and thEy both left.

Arrianna was home and noticed that shaniqua  wasnt there either. Arianna fell back on the couch exausted and tired. It was 6:55pm and she only got 5 minutes of sleep. There was a knock at the door. Arianna opened the door to think that maybe it was Shaniqua. She opened the door and it was her mom.

" Oh why didnt you just open the door with keys?' ' asked Arianna. 

Arianna's mom Gloria always had a  key for every door in the house.

" Well looks like thier gone I couldnt find them.  Last place they were was in my purse and ive been home lately so oh well." 

" Oh thats weird cause the door was open when I came home."

The phone rang she answered it and it was Kevin. 

" Hello". said Arianna.

" Hey this is kevin i was just calling to tell you that I will be there in 15 minutes." Arrianna looked at the time it was 7:05  She ran out of the living room and went in the bathroom she let go of her hair. " Um yea I'll be ready ok bye." 

Arrianna turned on the sink and washed her hair for 5 minutes. She dryed her hair and ran in her room.

" Honey where are you going." Said Gloria curious.

" Oh ya um im going on a date it wont be long." Arianna yelled across the room.

Arrianna grabbed a pair of blue skinny jeans. she put on a white strapless tanktop. She put on a pair of black high heels she curled her hair and put it in a pony tail, with her bangs out. she placed on a pair of real silver earings that her sister had gave her when she was a kid. The time was 7:18 she grabbed her purse and walked to the living room. There was a light knock at the door.  Arrianna walked to the door while looking at her cel phone she had 5 miss call.

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