YG Clears Up Plagiarism Issue

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YG Clears Up Plagiarism Issue Over iKon's Official Logo

YG slams another plagiarism controversy raised over iKon's official band logo. In a post by FixedGear Unknown Bike Korea, the cycling company brought up the similarity of iKon's logo to their logo design.

They stated the possibility of the similarities in the creation of the design and further stated that they will not take any legal action. The post however claimed that they were the first one to come up with the design.

"We have no intention to fight, and we believe that designs can be similar, but we just want everyone to know that we were the first to design this."FixedGear UnknownBike

To debunk such claim, YG Entertainment explained that iKon's logo was created back in 2014. The agency also presented evidences to back up their claims, showing proof that the finishing touches were done in August 2014.

According to the agency, they will also present physical data to FixedGear UnknownBike for them to exam.

The bicycle company retracted their previous statement however expressing their interest with the design process as both companies are using the Korean flag as their design pattern. They concluded their statements with an apology to YG Entertainment for having the same patriotic ideas over the similarities of their logo designs.

Source: YG United

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