GD's Gift to iKON

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'I MISS YOU SO BAD': G-Dragon's Debut Gift to iKON

This is the first time in 9 years since debut that BIGBANG's member, G-DRAGON, has gifted a song to another artist. In the past 9 years, besides particpating in the production of BIGBANG's albums, his solo albums, and Seungri and Daesung's solo tracks, he has never written lyrics nor composed songs for singers other than BIGBANG.

According to a YG Entertainment representative, iKON's upcoming track 'I MISS YOU SO BAD' was a demo song made by GD earlier in the year while preparing for BIGBANG's album. GD thought that the song style would suit other singers than BIGBANG, so he asked iKON, who were in the process of recording and working in the studio next door, to record it.

It was said that GD told iKON with a smile, "This song seems to be more matching with you guys. It's your debut present." It is said that having received a debut gift from GD, a senior whom they have respected the most all along, iKON's members were so happy they couldn't stop gaping. iKON were not the only ones surprised. YG Entertainment's president Yang Hyun Suk, who learnt of the news belatedly, called up GD to verify the truth.

The YG representative said, "Without a doubt, the songs made by GD are of very high quality. Initially, we thought of using it as iKON's title track. However, we are cautious that misunderstandings and bias, such as rumors that GD's name is used to promote the rookie group, might arise. After thinking about it for a long time, we though a gift of goodwill shouldn't be used for commercial purposes. Thus we decided to include it as one of the songs in the debut album rather than as the title track."

Translations by @ikonmypride

Source: YG_United

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