#19 Your phobia (Dean)

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Dean: (phobia of clowns) You just got home from work and Dean though it would be funny to prank you. He hid himself in the closet of the bathroom with a clown mask, because he knows you always take a bath after you work. So, you put all of your stuff down on the bed and went into the bathroom. Right when you turn on the lights, Dean comes out of the closet and scares you. You're reflexes kicked in and decided to punch the clown in the face.

Dean groaned, and got up from the floor while taking the mask off, "OW!! That hurts. Jebus lady, are you trying to kill me here?"
You started shaking in fear, and couldn't get your words out. Dean noticed this and wrapped his arms around you.
"Are you scared of clowns?" He asked. You nodded, he wiped the tears that you didn't notice, that were streaming down your face.
  You stopped shaking after a few minutes. Dean kissed your forehead, "Race you downstairs, loser gets no ice cream!."
You smiled and ran downstairs. At the end of the day, you and Dean cuddled on the couch, eating ice cream and watched movies.

A/N: Hey guys! What's up? Sorry I have been inactive for a long time, i have been really lazy. And my boyfriend cheated on me. Soooo yeah

Question: Do you guys have any fears?
Tell me about them! :)

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