#10 First Fight

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Dean: you were furious at Dean. Every time girl passed by and flirted with him. He flirted with her back. Once you guys got back to the hotel. You ignored Jon.

"So, what do want for dinner?" He asked. You ignored him and continued to watch.

"(Y/N)." He called. He called you again. "What?" You snapped.

"Why are you acting this way?" He asked.

"I'm wouldn't be acting this way if my boyfriend didn't flirt with every girl." You said.

He sighed. He put his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry. You know I've never been in a real relationship." He said. You sighed. "I forgive you, but promise you won't do it again." You said. "I promise." He said while kissing you.

Seth: you were at the bar picking up Seth.

He has been so stubborn. He was always stubborn when he was drunk. "Come on Seth. Let's go." You said for the hundredth time. "No. I don't want to." He said.

"Come on!" You said. You grabbed the drink out of his hands and dragged him out.

"You're no fun." He said. You drove him back home. He took out one of Jon's can of beer and began drink AGAIN. "Colby Lopez, put the beer down!" You yelled.

"No. I promise this will be my last one." He said. You quickly took the beer away.

"Stop it." You said. He sighed. "You're such a party pooper you dumb whore." He said.

"Fuck you, you can sleep on the couch tonight. I'm just trying to help like a girlfriend should do." You said, while walking to the room?

The next morning you woke up. You smelled breakfast. You got up and saw Colby cooking.

He turned around. "I made you breakfast." He said.

"Thank you." You said. "I'm sorry for what I said to you. It was the beer." He said.

You walked to him and put your arms around his neck. "I forgive you." You said while giving him a kiss.

Roman: The shield had an photo shoot today, so you went to see them. Colby and Jon waved and said hi to you. Joe gave you a simple nod.

After they were finished, you went up to Joe an gave him a kiss.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Okay," you said.

He walked outside the arena with you in hand. "I kissed another girl Y/N." You felt like you were going to collapse. You slapped Joe across his face. "How could you?!" You said.

"I feel like shit I do. I was drunk. I didn't mean to. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to betray you. I am so sorry please forgive me." He said.

You sighed. "I don't know." You said.

"Please, I promise i won't do it again. Just please forgive me." He said.

He gave you the best puppy eyes. "Okay, I forgive you." You said while kissing him.

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