Knowledge Beyond Understanding

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Captain Jack Harkness





Eleventh: I RULE!

Donna: Doctor?

Tenth: Who are you?

Rose: Who is Eleventh?

Eleventh: Donna, Rose! Me….

Martha: Who the HELL are you lot? Hang on, Rose? Rose Tyler? You travelled with the Doctor!

Rose: I AM travelling with the Doctor!

Eleventh: Okay, I am the Doctor. I regenerated!

Tenth: Really, how?

Eleventh: Spoilers

River: Sweetie!

Eleventh: River!

Captain Jack Harkness: I won’t tell you what I am thinking

River: Who are you?

Tenth: Okay, let’s have introductions, so no one gets left behind. I am the tenth doctor.

River: River Song. I know…everyone really

Martha, Donna, Rose, Captain Jack Harkness: STALKER…

Martha: Anyway… Martha Jones, and Rose Tyler and Captain Jack

Rose: Rose Tyler, knowing Tenth, and Captain Jack

Donna: Donna Noble. I know Tenth, Martha, Captain Jack, and Rose, I think.  You were in my…what was it, Doctor?

Tenth: alternative reality that was being created around you by a member of the Trickster’s brigade

Donna: Oi! Don’t get science with me, Spaceman!

Clara: Spaceman? I remember that, Doctor, you said you had an old friend who said that!

Amy: I remember that, Rory, don’t you?

Rory: Yes Amy, I do

Eleventh: Amy, Rory! Clara, do you remember them?

Clara: No, I do not. Different life of mine, remember?

Rose: What?

Amy: explain Doctor!

River: Spoilers, Amy.

Tenth: Do you always say that?

Eleventh: Yes she does.

Clara: Doctor! Stop kissing River!

Rose: WHAT!?

Eleventh: Bye!

Eleventh has logged off

River: Time to travel again Clara!

River has logged off

Clara has logged off

Tenth: We better go too, Martha. All of Time and Space to explore!

Tenth has logged off

Martha: Bye everyone

Martha has logged off

Rose: Oh my god! Anyone know CPR? I think I just rendered the Doctor unconscious!

Rose has logged off

Captain Jack Harkness: I can picture that happening. I better go check on my team. Talk to everyone soon!

Captain Jack Harkness has logged off

Amy: I got to go. I have a cake to take out of the oven. Rory, meet me there! Or else!

Amy has logged off

Rory has logged off

Donna: Everybody is gone! Doctor, where the hell are you!?

Donna has logged off

Just in time for the finale of Series 7 of Doctor Who. Let's go me! 

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