Ella is here!!!

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Captain Jack Harkness




Donna has logged on

Rose has logged on

Ella: hi?

Eleventh: who are you?

River: I know!

Tenth: who is she then?

River, Ella: Spoilers!

Donna: Who are you?

Captain Jack Harkness: my friend who told me stuff

Rose: like what?

Ella: All I did was tell him I knew he was immortal

Rose: What? Jack, since when were you immortal?

Captain Jack Harkness: Bad Wolf had a little too much fun playing with life

River has a new status: Leaving before this gets awkward

River has logged off

Rose: ...sorry, can you say that in English Jack?

Ella: does anyone ever understand him?

Eleventh: nope

Tenth: not particularly

Donna: Not a clue

Rose: is it possible?

Captain Jack Harkness: I feel offended.

Ella: Jack, really?

Captain Jack Harkness: Yeah. Now, here's what I am thinking! Are there any cute girls here?

Donna has logged off

Rose has logged off

Tenth has logged off

Eleventh has logged off

Ella: You brought that on yourself

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