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Dedication to @RiverTiger for helping with a reference






Eleventh: Hey me

Tenth: Hi

Donna: ...

Clara: ...

Clara & Donna: LOLx6

Tenth: what?

Donna: Ella does it; you two are priceless!

Clara: Seriously, Doctor, can you get any cheesier!?

Eleventh: yep

Donna: speaking of Ella, can we do something to cheer her up?

Clara: Like what?

Tenth: trip across space?

Eleventh: sounds okay...

Donna: perfect!

Clara: We should get everyone to come!

Donna: but don't come later than what you said you would...

Tenth: promise

Eleventh: I did it as him, so I don't need to

Clara & Donna: yes you do

Eleventh: fine

Eleventh: I promise...

Clara: good boy

Eleventh: be late so that you get annoyed

Donna: DOCTOR!

Clara: I will now steal your bowtie

Eleventh: Hey...

Donna & Clara: ... is what horses eat

Tenth: *sigh*another Ella thing?

Donna: believe it!

Tenth: is that one?

Donna: no, that is something else. I don't really know what!

Tenth: I think its Naruto Style, but okay...

Donna: Don't start that again

Tenth: I wasn't going-

Donna: zip it!

Tenth: fine...

Donna: Doctor!

Tenth: what!?

Donna: leave it

Donna: Clara, Eleventh, are you there still?

Clara: payback!

Donna: what's payback?

Eleventh: she did it

Eleventh: she dropped my bowtie collection into a black hole!

Clara: yep

Donna: way to go Clara!

Clara: cyber-five?

Donna: cyber-five!

Clara: *cyber-five*

Donna: *cyber-five*

Tenth: ...

Eleventh: really?

Clara: oi!

Donna: MY LINE!



Clara: no need to shout

Donna: We were just exclaiming; you don't need to shout!

Tenth: I give up...

Eleventh: So how about we plan to surprise Ella, and then fight?

Tenth: No need. I will send the details to everyone, and then you can pick everyone up at the meeting place!

Eleventh: sounds good!

Clara: you are not getting a new bowtie Doctor!

Eleventh: I hate you

Clara: nice to know

Ella logged on

Ella: Hey

Donna has logged off

Clara has logged off

Tenth has logged off

Eleventh has logged off

Ella: what...just happened?

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