Facebook Tennis Match-LuckoftheEnglish2000

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Okay, LuckoftheEnglish2000 is in this one. And the character is from a story she has written, whih I am keeping my eye out for becuase it sounds really good.

Anyway, enjoy...







(Special Guest)LuckoftheEnglish2000 (Alice)

Amy: Who is that last one?

Ella: Girl I know. Name is Alice

Clara: Hi Alice

Alice: Clara?

Clara: That's me

Alice: I know you, you were with the Doctor

Tenth: which regeneration?

Eleventh: I have to agree

Alice: Doctor...s?

Ella: maybe I should explain...

Alice: I was trained to kill the Doctor

Eleventh: ...

Tenth: ...

Ella: yeah...

Amy & Clara: ELLA!!!

Ella: WHAT!!!???

Alice: I can't get near you right now, so I guess that you are safe... from me at least

Eleventh: *gulp*

Tenth: What do you mean?

Ella: spoilers

Tenth: what is it with you and that word?

Eleventh: It gets irritating

Ella: I know a lot about you, just not your name

Eleventh: speaking of secrets of mine, what was the elephant about?

Ella: I know that you can't spell elephant

Clara: can you Doctor?

Eleventh: ... shut up

Ella, Amy, Clara, Alice: LOLx6

Tenth: We will get you back...

Ella: You don't know anything about me

Eleventh: We know where you live

Ella: and?

Eleventh: I could kill you

Alice: Can I stay at your house, Ella? I could kill HIM

Tenth: On the other hand, we will let you off on a warning?

Ella: sounds good. You don't want the TARDIS to end up running off.

Tenth: why would she do that?

Ella: I am... powerful with words

Eleventh: fine...

Amy: This is like watching a tennis match

Clara: Kind of entertaining, and the ball won't stay in a court for longer than a few seconds

Tenth: I better go; Donna wants to go shopping...

Amy: see you

Tenth: bye

Tenth has logged off

Eleventh: I am going to bring Clara and visit Amy and Rory

Clara: sounds good

Amy: see you soon, then

Ella: bye

Eleventh has logged off

Clara has logged off

Amy has logged off

Alice: I wouldn't kill him that way

Ella: let's leave them believing you are evil

Alice: I better go; I am going to go to the Planet of Colours with the Doctor

Ella: have fun

Alice has logged off

Ella has logged off

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