Naughty Boy

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Old centurion

Bow tie


Moon Lover

Captain: loving this... not me though

Trench: JACK!!!

Moon Lover: I do not LOVE the moon!

Old Centurion: Different life of mine dude

Bow tie: you feeling okay, Rory?

Old Centurion: my cover has been blown! So long suckers!!!

Old Centurion has logged off

Moon Lover: Is Rory on steroids?

Captain: LOL

Bow tie: ROFL

Trench has a new status: rolling on the ground laughing. Friend think I might have swallowed laughing gas

Bowtie logged off

Captain logged off 

Trench logged off

Moon Lover: I am confused

Female Doctor logged on

Female Doctor: what is with the names? And why is the Doctor rolling around on laughing gas?

Moon Lover: Rory changed the names and I said Rory was on steroids.

10mins later...

Moon Lover: hello?

Female Doctor was logged off due to being inactive

Old Centurion logged on

Old Centurion: hi Ella

Moon Lover: did you change the names?

Old Centurion: maybe...

Moon Lover: why?

Old Centurion: Remember the game of truth or dare I started with everyone else?

Moon Lover: Eagle?!

Old Centurion: yep. Blame Falcon! It was her dare!

Moon Lover: just... Well done. *Claps* But please, change them back! I need to get the Doctor on my side, for you-know-what.

Old Centurion: gotcha... Not leaving this profile though!

Moon Lover: give Rory back the profile. I will make one for you to join us.

Old Centurion: cool!!! Well, bye...

Moon Lover: see you at school! 

Old Centurion: Not if I see you first!

Moon Lover: bye Eagle...

Old Centurion: fine... *pokes out tongue*

Old Centurion has logged off

Moon Lover: finally!

Moon Lover has logged off

Okay, first person to join the conversations is... Doctor_Raven_Horan!!!

This is my present to her for clearing up a slight flame war we started. So who is next?

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