Steven Moffat the God drinks Poppy soda (Poppy strikes again!)-Poplovey

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Poplovey (Poppy)

Eleventh: I refuse to let you help jack!
Jack: why?
Eleventh: because Clara is already weird enough, and Amy is married to Rory. If you come along, you will cause issues with everyone!
Jack: did Rory agree to it?
Amy: yes he did, thank you very much!
Rory: with what?
Jack: the marriage
Rory: yes I did.
Jack: dang!
Amy: oi! Anyway, he could help Doctor! Earth might not survive if you don't let him help!
Eleventh: NO! He is not coming on the TARDIS again!
Ella has logged in
Poppy has logged in
Clara: not another one...
Jack: you don't want to look at pictures of me naked do you?
Poppy: no...
Ella: I learnt from last time
Eleventh: okay. Good girl...
Ella: I can judge people pretty well now. I learnt from the other ones.
Poppy: YOUR...
Ella: I stand corrected
Eleventh: Ella!
Poppy: your MATT SMITH!
Eleventh: ...who?
Poppy: I have so much to say to you, so much to ask! What's your favourite colour? What's your favourite food? How do you cook your eggs? What do you prefer: Coffee or tea? Babies or children? Girls or boys? How often do you move around the world for work? When did you last visit Australia? Where did you go? Where did you eat? Would I be able to meet you next time? *pants*
Ella: what's with the girls or boys question?
Eleventh: who the hell is Matt Smith?
Jack: which do YOU prefer; girls or boys?
Poppy: I meant in gender of babies and children; YOU; and I don't really know. Maybe girls as I am one!
Amy: *sniggers*
Clara: *sniggers*
Rory: *sniggers*
Ella: he didn't mean in that way, he meant...the other way
Poppy: ewww...
Amy, Clara, Rory: *pause sniggering*
Amy, Clara, Rory: *sniggers*
Ella: did you expect that to work?
Eleventh: no...
Ella: nice to know you admit it
Poppy: so many other questions to ask! Hmm...ooh. Ooh. How do you regenerate in the Christmas special?
Steven Moffat the God has logged in
Jack: who the hell is that?
Steven Moffat the God: Poppy, you have gone too far! I am god, and you will not know anything I say you can't!
Poppy: you can't stop me asking! And he will answer!
Steven Moffat the God: Yes, I can stop you!
Steven Moffat the God has taken administration privileges
Ella: hey! I am the administrator!
Steven Moffat the God has blocked Poppy from this chat
Steven Moffat the God: bow before my awesomeness! I am the great Creator! You will worship me as your God!
Eleventh, Amy, Rory, Clara, Jack: *roll on the floor laughing*
Ella: *giggles* alright! everyone out!
Eleventh has logged off
Amy has logged off
Rory has logged off
Clara has logged off
Jack has logged off
Ella: oh mighty Godly Creator! ...what's with the profile picture!!!
Steven Moffat the God: it's a cat wearing a hat and tap dancing! It shows my love of cats, hats and tap!
Ella: it's also screaming I am the awesome one who creates things that talk with their drinks named Poppy soda!
Steven Moffat the God: ...oh...and? So she got revenge, it still looks cool... I let her do it!
Ella: It looks ridiculous!
Steven Moffat the God: no it doesn't!
Ella: yes. It does!
Steven Moffat the God: no it doesn't!
Ella: yes it does
Steven Moffat the God: no it doesn't!
Ella: yes it does, and you know it!
Steven Moffat the God: it doesn't look ridiculous!
Ella: fine! I give up!
Ella has logged off
Steven Moffat the God: the one person I didn't create, and it's the one that I have to fight with! I don't have anything to threaten her with!
Steven Moffat the God has logged off

I am never writing Moffat in again. Or, if I have to, changing his name! Anyway, I am at my grandparents and took advantage of the faster internet speed. So, poplovey got her chat. It WAS meant to come out just after Christmas... So, sorry. Anyway, don't expect any more before Valentines Day. School is starting soon, and my parents are wanting every grade of mine to become A's. It isn't going to happen, no matter what I do. However, I will try just to get them off my case.

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