Chapter Eight

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Fake Enna

Yesterday, I (Charles Hefley) had the sincere pleasure of briefly interviewing Enna Price, our explosive new leader. Every bit of the experience was as charming and revealing as I hoped it would be. The futures of our beloved Regions are looking brighter than ever before! What is our savior's favorite pastime? Does she still correspond with suspected lover Matthew Elliot, son of the late John Elliot of Region Two? And what about her plans for improving national security? Find out these answers and more in the following scandalous addition of "High Life"!

Hefley: Good morning, Ms. Price! How kind of you to make the time in your schedule to grace our stage. You look absolutely dashing!
Price: (laughs charmingly) Thank you! I'm glad to be here as well, it's an honor.
Hefley: An honor, indeed. First we have some questions that your fans sent in via RScreen. Shall we begin?
Price: Let's do it.
Hefley: Alright. Our first question is from Jacquelin in Region Three. She says: "I love your new style! What inspired you to dye your hair that way?"
Price: Great question, Jacquelin! To be honest, I wanted something new. I've always worn my hair the same way, as well as my clothes, and I wanted to become something different. Black and white, to me, represents right and wrong. More importantly, the rights and wrongs in our society. They both coexist somewhat peacefully, but I won't rest until righteousness conquers all wrongdoing.
Hefley: How noble of you! Tell me, will you change your hair color again after your administration changes the state of the country?
Price: (smiles, as if amused) You have me figured out, don't you?
Hefley: (chuckling) I wouldn't say that, Ms. Price. Alright, time for another question.
Price: I'm ready.
Hefley: Jack from Region Two says: "I used to be a student at the Academy of Global Doctrines. Tell us why you originally escaped your Graduation Ceremony, and how your time with a rebel group helped influence your decision to lead the Regions." Ooh, very good question, Jack! Do tell us, Enna.
Price: Hmm... (she takes a moment to compose an answer) I originally ran away from my ceremony because of fear. Fear of the unknown, and a touch of immaturity. I thought that living life like everyone else would be boring and controlling. Now, I obviously see that I was wrong.
Hefley: Very interesting... Tell us about your time at the Depot.
Price: (her eyes grow soft and distant, as if she's reminiscing) I was happy, at first. I discovered that my mother was alive, and that I might have a purpose down there. Something real. But then I realized that the people at the Depot had too much freedom. They had so many possibilities to choose from that there was no organization, no real goal. I realized at once that that kind of life was not for me.
Hefley: Wow... (I realize that we have only a few more moments left) Let's take one more question from the RScreens, then I'll ask some of my own.
Price: Sounds good.
Hefley: Erica from Region Two says: "It's so cool to talk to you, Enna! My co-workers and I want to know about your relationship with Matthew. Are you two still together?" Ahh, and that's the question, isn't it?
Price: (laughs shortly) I guess it is. Well, Erica, that's a loaded question. I haven't seen him around much. Ever since I pledged my allegiance to the Regional Government he hasn't bothered to come out from hiding.
Hefley: So you two are no longer... you know, an item?
Price: (pauses and swallows) We never really were. He liked me in that way, and I didn't. It's that simple. I was thankful for the skills he offered when we traveled together. Now, we've gone our own ways.
Hefley: Ouch! I wouldn't want to be him! Hear that, citizens? Enna Price is single!
Price: (chuckles good-naturedly) Alright, alright...
Hefley: Let's move on, we've only a few minutes left. Tell me Enna, how has your day-to-day schedule changed since your... ah... promotion?
Price: Other than eating, sleeping, and washing up? Everything.
Hefley: (laughing) Define everything!
Price: I can't say much more without giving away some sensitive information, but... (smiles) I'll just leave it at that.
Hefley: Of course, of course! Now, one more thing. What is the legacy you plan to leave behind after your rule?
Price: My purpose as public correspondent means that I tell the people all that they need to know. I am held accountable for relaying what the Government plans to do. And today, let me give you some insight as far as these plans. Countless cities are under a bomb warning at this very moment. Those plugged in and even those who are not are plagued by fear. I'm telling you all that I intend to provide each of you with top notch security. Starting in a week or two, those of you who remain in danger will be escorted to safety camps near your homes. Here you will live normal, fulfilled lives while being protected by the most powerful guards in your Region. This is my gift to you all: security and freedom.
Hefley: What a generous gesture, Ms. Price!
Price: Please, you can call me Enna.
Hefley: Well, Enna, it was an utter pleasure to speak with you! I hope to see you again.
Price: I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future.
Hefley: Well look at that, people--she's a psychic as well as a phenomenon! That's all for today,folks. Tune in tomorrow for an interview with Dan Sykes, the former principal of the Academy of Global Doctrines.

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