❁ Chapter Six ❁

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Dedication: To Desirae since she's amazing and her books are great so go check them out if you haven't read them already. 

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Six


Diego has always been like my savior. Whenever I'm in trouble or arguing with my parents, he comes in like a knight in shining armor and rescues me on his motorcycle. If that's not goals then I don't know what is. Not to mention I love the thrill of riding on a motorcycle and the wind blowing through my hair, the adrenaline pumping through my veins and the thought of crashing vivid in my brain.

But I know Diego wouldn't crash his motorcycle for many reasons. He loves his motorcycle way too much and he's careful when driving since he doesn't want to pay for the repairs. When I'm sitting behind him he doesn't want anything bad happening to me either so he doesn't speed down the road like a maniac – well he drives a bit over the speed limit but nothing too extravagant.

We come to a halt a few miles out of the city next to an old bar. The two of us come here a lot since the bartenders are convinced we're over 21 and they're willing to sell us drinks and when we need, even an entire bottle of the beverage of our choice. That's why we came here today; the two of us were in desperate need of alcohol.

But don't be alarmed, we're not going to drink and drive. We're going to buy the alcohol, drive back to Riverview and get drunk there. I'm not even sure if I'll be staying with Diego or going back to Levi's house. Recently I've felt this strong pull in my stomach and like I want to spend time with him. I don't know if you'd consider that a crush on him but I definitely feel something and I don't like that at all.

"What do you want?" Diego asks, turning off the engine and pulling the helmet off of his head. He shakes his hair out and ruffles it a bit, giving it that messy bad boy look again. I'm kind of jealous of Diego and his amazing hair. I wish my hair looked that messy and cool but of course I like my hair long and lion-mane like as it is right now.

"I'm thinking rum," I reply, pulling the helmet off and joining Diego as we walk into the bar. The music is blasting like crazy and people are dancing around, some of them are sitting and interacting with each other. Most of the people here have a punk look and they definitely stand out from most of the people in Riverview. I guess that's why they come here.

Diego grabs my hand, in case a random pervert would try to hit on me, drags me towards the bar and the two of us sit down.

"Diego, Hollie, hey guys!" The girl behind the bar greets us. Her name is Mindy and we met her when we first discovered this bar. The three of us kind of clicked immediately and we come to talk to her a lot. It doesn't matter that she's like 35-years-old, she's still an awesome person and an ever greater friend.

"Hey, Mindy," I smile, leaning onto my hands on the counter. Diego greets her as well and while she's off to finish a drink for a customer, I take the time to examine the people here. I already recognize some people since I know they come here a lot. I see them almost every time I come here.

Mindy returns shortly and cleans her hands on the small apron tied around her waist, "What can I get you guys?"

"Give me a whole bottle of rum," I reply.

"I'll take a whole bottle of tequila," Diego says, pulling his wallet out from the back pocket of his jeans and throws 30 dollars onto the counter. He knows that's more than needed but he likes to give Mindy huge tips because of the fact that she sells us alcohol. Mindy doesn't know we're underage but I have a feeling that even if she knew, she'd still sell us the drinks.

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