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"I think this is for the best," Mother Queen spoke, as we all sat around her master bedroom sized office. "We should move on from what happened, and continue on with the contract which is to be accomplished."

We, consisted of Mother Queen, my parents, Lindon, his sister, and father. We were all stationed in her office after the ballroom the next day with Mother Queen discussing how it would be in the best interest of everyone if the King of Cross Bridge, and the Princess of Terabithia got married, like it was written in the contract.

"No," I shouted, shooting out of my chair, just as Lindon did the same.

His voice was deep and rough, not once could I imagine him sweetly talking to someone in that voice like he used to as a child. I guess puberty really did hit him hard.

I glanced towards him, to find him looking straight ahead at Mother Queen his eyes fixed in a glare.

"Sit down the both of you," she commanded, calmly. We did as she said, with me crossing my arms across my chest. "Listen carefully you two. This contract will take place no matter what happens, because I will not be ready to see two kingdoms get destroyed because they are set on living in the past. She's gone King Lindon, your kingdom needs a queen, and no one can be better than her very own sister, Princess Bella."

I clenched my jaw, "So that's what I am, aren't I? The second choice," I spat angrily, ignoring the death stare my father shot me from my left side, and the disappointing look from my mother, who was sat on my father's left.

"That's what you will always be," Lindon murmured, but loud enough for everyone to hear- well I don't know about the others, however I heard clearly.

I stared at him from across the table, hurt crossing my emotions for a moment before it was gone. I hadn't expected that from him. I watched as Xenia placed a hand on his shoulder, silently communicating with him.

Even though she was younger than him, he merely nodded her way, then briefly glanced my way, before he turned away to stare at Mother Queen.

"I think it would be better you shut your big mouth, before I staple it shut," I scowled.

"Do not talk to me like that," Lindon ordered, slamming his hand on the table we all sat around. "I will not tolerate this behaviour from a mere princess."

"Do not talk to me like that," I mimicked in a deep voice. "I will not tolerate this behaviour from a mere king."

Father glared at me, quietly telling me to shut up, and I did as told, not in the mood to argue with anyone anymore.

His father shook his head, for the first time looking up at me since the meeting had started. His eyes flickered with an emotion I couldn't decipher, vanishing into nothing but a blank look.

"I'll pick another bride," Lindon spoke, his voice void of any emotions. These Cross Bridge people were so good at masking their emotions, I had started getting jealous. "But not her," he whispered the last part.

I opened my mouth to say something when Lindon's father beat me to it.

"No," he started, causing all heads to turn his way. "I think Mother Queen is right. We should follow out with the contract, after all Princess Bella is nothing less than Princess Serenity. Isn't that right Joseph?"

The truth was she was everything I couldn't be even at a young age.

I turned towards my father waiting to hear what he had to say. It seemed as though my mother and him were in a silent argument with their eyes. At last my father let out a sigh, nodding his head to himself.

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