12. Tough Love

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After a week of hiding under a rock, the bruise on my cheek was light enough to cover with makeup. If it were my choice, I would stay home for the rest of my life. But I had already missed two classes and I had a lesson with Xavier that I couldn't afford to miss. So after spending nearly fifteen minutes applying concealer and foundation to my face, I left Mama's apartment. It was still dark out being that it was only four in the morning. I had to leave even earlier than usual to make sure I made it to class on time.

But on my way to the subway I got distracted. This time, B.Dee had a strong grip on a petite woman's arms. I would have expected her to be frightened, but she stood her ground. She kept her face straight, making sure to hide her fear. Or maybe she wasn't scared at all. But that would be surprising.

"All these years and you want to do this now!" B.Dee yelled at her. He was angrier than I'd ever seen him. In fact, I don't think I'd ever seen him angry at all. He did a good job at hiding his emotions but oddly this woman was able to bring them out.

"You haven't been home in a month, Bobby! You're too busy out here doing god knows what. For years, I've been hiding this from your son. What would he think of you if he found out the kind of person you really are?" She yelled back, her Hispanic accent thick. It was only then that I found out Bobby had a family. And I couldn't grasp the reality that he would put their lives in danger along with his. I frowned, realizing what I was doing. I had no right to listen in on their conversation. Plus, I had my own demons to take care of.

I arrived at Julliard much earlier than I expected. And not so surprisingly, Xavier was already in the practice room. I was ready to turn around and wait in the lobby but he had already laid eyes on me. We waved me inside the room and I couldn't refuse, no matter how badly I wanted to. I didn't want to be bothered with anyone for a while.

"Hey, Panda Bear. You're early." He noted as if I didn't already know. I forced a smile and nodded my head. I sat beside him on the bench. He was silent for a moment as he examined my face. My heart started to pound out of my chest. He couldn't have noticed that bruise on my cheek. I covered it so well that I could have sworn no one would see it. But he did. He held my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, turning my face to the side. He examined my cheek for just a second. "Damn. Who did you fight?" he asked.

"I was just fooling around with my little brother and we got a little rough." I lied through my teeth. I prayed to myself that she would buy it.

"He must have a pretty big fist." He raised his eyebrows. I giggled nervously, making sure not to bite my bottom lip. I turned my attention toward the piano.

"I'm finally understanding what you taught me the other day." I changed the subject quickly. Unfortunately for me, he couldn't leave it alone.

"I'm not stupid. I've only known you for a little while but I know that you're not acting yourself today." He argued. I rolled my eyes, irritated. The last thing I needed was some kind of intervention. Already being in a bad mood, I snapped on him a little.

"You don't know anything about me, Xavier. I've known you for two months and you're acting like we've been friends for years. Do me a favor and stay out of my business." I said. But it was stupid of me to think even for a second that he would just accept my attitude. He raised his eyebrows, taken aback for a moment.

"In case you forgot, I'm the one that's been busting my ass trying to help you and make you feel comfortable. I'm the one that's been making any kind of effort to get to know you but you're the one that can't open up to any one. But excuse me for giving a damn about you, Charli. Don't stress, you won't have to worry about me being in your business anymore. I'll stay out of your life and you'll stay out of mine." He stood up, swung his bag over his shoulder, and stormed out of the practice room. When the door slammed behind him, I couldn't stop myself from crying. Everything he said was the truth and he didn't deserve to be treated that way.

Short chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it. Comment and Vote, darlings. Also, I'm starting a new book soon. It's called Hopeless Devotion. The first chapter might be up some time this week. Look out for that.

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