14. Blame It On The Vodka

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The walk to Xavier's car was tense at first. I walked slightly behind him, afraid to make eye contact. Mainly because I didn't know what his feelings toward me where yet. I however, wanted so badly to apologize but I doubted that he would accept it in the first place. I noticed Xavier glance back at me a couple times. "You're not gonna walk behind me the whole time are you?" He questioned. I didn't answer him but I sped up a little. When I was finally walking beside him, he stared at me. A part of me felt uncomfortable but another part of me wanted him to keep staring.

"It seemed like you enjoyed it." He said. I assumed he was talking about the show. I nodded my head. "Unless you were just spaced out. You wouldn't stop staring at me." He teased. Suddenly, I giggled. I didn't mean to but I did. It came out of no where. He smiled down at me.

"Sorry." I apologized. I wasn't sure if I made him uncomfortable with my staring or if he didn't mind it. But I quickly changed the subject. "I didn't know you play guitar." Even though we were speaking, there was still a bit of tension. If I felt it, I know he did too.

"It was kind of just a side project after piano. It's great but I don't love it nearly as much." His tone was tender and soft. He spoke so passionately about music all the time that it made me smile. He smiled along. There was a brief silence before he spoke again. "You were right, Panda Bear."

"About what?" I questioned. I didn't want to assume that he was talking about our dispute but I couldn't think of any other possibility.

"The other day, you told me that I didn't know anything about you... You were right." He explained. For a moment I thought he was saying it because Astrid told him to. Then I noticed the genuine look he had in his eyes.

"Xavier, I didn't mean a-"

"It's true though. I don't know much about you. And that's why, I'm gonna get to know you right now." He said excitedly. I furrowed my eyebrows. It was already one in the morning. What did he have in mind?

"Right now?" I asked as we walked up to his car. He nodded his head as he opened the passenger's side door for me. I climbed into his car, anxious. He walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. "You're not driving me home, are you?"

"Not yet." He pulled out of the parking spot and headed toward the Brooklyn Bridge. For a moment, it was silent. I thought back to the way he was talking about the club when he was on stage. It obviously meant so much to him and I wanted to know why.

"What is it about that club that you love so much?" I pushed the FM button to turn on the radio. Aaliyah's One in a Million played throughout the BMW. Xavier fell deep into thought. I noticed a look on his face that I had never seen before. It was almost like he was ashamed. But of what? When I realized he wasn't going to answer, I let it go.

The rest of the ride was silent. I had fallen asleep by the time we arrived at our destination. Xavier placed a hand on my thigh, causing a subtle chill down my spine. It was enough to wake me up. "Where are we?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before looking around. Coney Island. Why?

"Coney Island." He answered late as he stepped out of the car. I got out as well. He opened the trunk and I saw two bottles of Vodka. My eyebrows raised. What the hell are we doing here?

"You realize it's two thirty in the morning? We came here to drink?" I folded my arms after feeling a strong breeze. We were near the beach. The thing about the beaches in New York is that most of them aren't real beaches. And they're pretty disgusting. Rule number one: Don't ever get in the water.

"You ask a lot of questions." He seemed annoyed. I was offended but I didn't respond. Instead I kept my mouth shut and followed him through the open gates of the amusement park. I was shocked to see that they were still open. But when a middle-aged man appears from the darkness, I couldn't help but squeal. I subconsciously jumped behind Xavier in hopes that I wouldn't get hurt. The man wore a thin jacket and a Yankees baseball cap. I could tell by his facial features that he was Mexican. All Xavier did was laugh... Excessively. "Relax. He's my uncle. He works here." He said once he caught his breath. I stepped out from behind Xavier and stared at the ground pathetically. Of course, I could feel myself blushing.

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